Directorate of Railways Rolling Stock Sharpen Railways Maintenance Office's Focus towards Public Service Agency

Grobogan – The Directorate of Railways Rolling Stock is a line in the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation which oversees the Railways Maintenance Office. Vertical coordination and communication is always carried out intensely in maintaining and improving the quality of the management of state-owned railway facilities at the Ngrombo Railways Maintenance Office. This was reflected when the Head of Sub-Directorate for Management of State-Owned Facilities, Supandi, carried out his duties to the Railways Maintenance Office, during the inspection and monitoring of state-owned facilities at the Ngrombo Workshop, on Thursday (20/01/2022).

 According to the Head of Sub-Directorate for Management of State-Owned Facilities, the Railways Maintenance Office has great potential as a UPT that can be developed institutionally into a BLU. This was conveyed by Supandi in front of the staff of the Railways Maintenance Office

 "The Railways Maintenance and Testing Office (Railways Examining Office) when it is BLU can become an institution that has the greatest potential income (within the Directorate General of Railways)", Supandi explained.

 Many of the directives conveyed were related to the focus on developing the center by sharpening the institutional capacity of the Railways Maintenance Office so that it would continue to lead according to the posture of the Public Service Agency in a professional manner.


Development can be done in all aspects. In the presentation session of the Railway Maintenance Center, there were several slides that became the main concern. In accordance with the agenda for the inspection of railway facilities, much attention is paid to the railway facilities managed by the Railway Maintenance Center.


When it comes to the utilization of the facilities that have been carried out, some of the facilities have been used in construction works. Utilization of the latest facilities is the special tadano equipment that is in Jaribarang contracted by the vendor to help with construction work. "How is the level of utilization of our managed facilities, are there any of our facilities that are used by other parties?", said Supandi, who was then explained by the Railway Maintenance Center team of several facilities that have been used for rental or related to official activities.


The discussion with the Directorate of Facilities was still in tune with the direction of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Transportation who came to the Ngrombo Workshop the previous week. The competency of the HR of the Railway Maintenance Center is a focal point that Supandi really emphasizes. Fulfilling the number of nursing teams must be able to answer technical needs in the field.


"Institutional capacity can be built by fulfilling HR competencies according to standards in their fields," explained Supandi. Competence includes various training programs and human resource development at institutions that have credibility in their fields. One of them is regarding the work safety management study which is planned to be carried out in the first quarter of 2022.


The transformation to BLU must meet work safety standards. Apart from being a manifestation of the level of professionalism in the work environment as well as a form of mitigating the occurrence of work accidents, the implementation of standardized work safety management will increase public trust in the Railway Maintenance Center institution.


In addition, the official who previously had long experience leading the public relations task of the directorate general of railways, added the importance of establishing relationships with stakeholders. One of them is with the media. This is important, so that the Railway Maintenance Center can be known by the public, of course with a good reputation to strengthen public trust.


The duty visit at the Ngrombo Workshop was his first visit. On that occasion, Supandi reviewed all the railway facilities in the Ngrombo Workshop accompanied by the Railway Maintenance Center. The facility review activity was carried out using PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and complying with health protocols according to government directives to prevent the spread of the new variant of Covid 19 Omicron.


Checking the existing railway facilities at the Railway Maintenance Center is carried out one by one. During his field coverage, Supandi carefully looked at the condition of the facility visually, and occasionally entered the facility. There are several interior facilities that are checked, namely the inspection train which is stabling inside the workshop building, and the official train which is in the stabling area outside the workshop building.


The agenda for monitoring and monitoring facilities in the field is going well. Even though it was drizzling, Supandi still saw firsthand the condition of the Official Train which was located at the stabling location of track five right on the east side of the workshop building. The group returned to Jakarta at nine o'clock in the evening on the same day, using train transportation from the Ngrombo Train Station, which is located next to the Railway Maintenance Center area. (yogo)

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