FGD on Personnel Sector, Sharpening Civil Servant Work Indicators

Grobogan – As one of a series of personnel development activities in the work environment, the Railways Maintenance Office held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for the Personnel Sector in Grobogan, Monday (17/01/2021). This FGD was accompanied by the Personnel Section of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation.

Acting as a resource person representing the Head of the Personnel Section of the Secretary-General of Railways, Fauzi, conveyed the direction of the performance management policy for civil servants in the provision of performance-oriented rewards and punishments.

This FGD was held in the context of fostering the implementation of the Civil Servant performance management system based on Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019 concerning Civil Servant Performance Assessment in government agencies and Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 8 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Performance Management System.

 "The preparation of the SKP in the future will be directed in accordance with Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019 because the implementation of the Government Regulation is two years from its promulgation, so these provisions are very important and their correlation with various technical staffing provisions, such as Position Analysis procedures, Workload Analysis, Job Evaluation and so on. , "said Fauzi.

He also added that this correlation will be seen clearly in the preparation of SKP which requires several important considerations, such as strategic plans of government agencies, annual work plans, performance agreements, organizational structure and work procedures (SOTK), job descriptions, and direct supervisor SKPs.

 "The new Government Regulation will be more integrated, there is a mutual relationship of values ??between civil servants in one institution, so that the values ??of subordinates affect our leadership, this is related to the cascading scheme of organizational performance to individuals," explained Fauzi.

 According to the Head of Administration Subdivision of the Railways Maintenance Office, Gunawati, early 2022 is the right momentum to synchronize the needs in terms of filling positions in the field with predetermined norms.

 "The placement of employees in the portion of positions in the Railways Maintenance Office must be addressed with a synchronous approach between the normative provisions of the applicable regulations and the dynamics of filling employees according to the characteristics of work in the field, with the aim of supporting the achievement of institutional performance as well as individual employee performance," Gunawati explained.

 Continuing with what was conveyed by the leader in charge of personnel at the Railways Maintenance Office, Fauzi then expressed the urgency regarding performance reporting which is closely related to the Civil Servant management system in governance.

 "The current government policy allows for income differentiation based on job class," said Fauzi. On the same occasion, he also appealed to the FGD participants that in the future the Government will continue to strive to formulate a single salary system policy direction so that the results of measuring Civil servant performance will become the main basis for the provision of wages or salaries and other income components.

 In the practical session, the presenters also conducted a joint study with the participants, using examples of SKPs in the Railways Maintenance Office. The resource persons explained the format for evaluating the performance of civil servants that needed to be immediately implemented by each civil servant and civil servant so that this rule was implemented properly.

 E-SKP can be easily accessed by civil servants through the internal portal application at https://ap2kp.dephub.go.id which is encrypted with the user and password of each civil servant.

 Each participant of the Railways Maintenance Office looks at the list of positions contained in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KM 215 of 2021 concerning Position Maps and Description of Types of Position Activities within the Railways Maintenance Office of the Directorate General of Railways.

  If the participant occupies the category of General Functional Position or Implementing Position, they can immediately see the work indicators in the ministerial decree. However, if it is included in the category of Certain Functional Positions, it must refer to the provisions on credit numbers issued by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform according to the position, as well as from the agency that fosters the functional position.

 The FGD agenda went well, the participants of the activity were no less than 40 civil servants in the Railways Maintenance Office.

 Before the start of the event, it was started by checking the PCR for all participants outside the room. Then after the event was officially opened, it was preceded by the delivery of socialization materials in the health sector by resource persons from the Grobogan District Health Office. The material mentioned a lot about the orderly implementation of health protocols as a form of pre-emptive effort in preventing the spread of Covid 19, as the government directs to be aware of the threat of a new variant of the Covid 19 Omicron virus. (yogo)

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