Develop Cooperation, Baperka Holds Railway Sector Stakeholder Audience

Semarang – As an effort to encourage non-tax state revenues (PNBP), the Railway Maintenance Center held hearings to several institutions in the railway sector. The hearings are planned to be held in several areas. The first agenda was held in Semarang, Tuesday (24/5/2022), for two days until Wednesday (25/5/2022).

On the first day, the Baperka team visited the PT KAI (Persero) Regional Operations 4 Semarang office. The Baperka team, which was led directly by the Head of the Nursing Center Andi Hary Murty, was received by the Executive Vice President of Daop 4 Semarang, Wisnu Pramudyo. The second day of the agenda continued with the management and members of the Central Java/DIY Hikkapi DPD.

The purpose of the activity is to coordinate and establish friendships in order to support the improvement of rail transportation services, through socialization of the utilization of the assets of the Railway Maintenance Center. With the aim of supporting the development of national railway infrastructure.

In addition to socialization, hearings at PT KAI (Persero) Daop 4 Semarang were carried out as a follow-up to the visit of the Executive Vice President of Daop 4 at the Railway Maintenance Center in 2021 ago. On the occasion of the hearing, the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center Andi also said that starting April 1, 2022, the Railway Maintenance Center has carried out its own PNBP withdrawal activities for the assets it manages.

"The Ministry of Transportation in this case the Directorate General of Railways through the Railway Maintenance Center, will carry out various developments in the field of comprehensive maintenance of railway facilities. For this reason, we cannot walk alone, we must synergize with PT KAI (Persero), and other stakeholders in the railway sector, so that in the future a more advanced railway climate will be created," explained Andi Hary.

Responding to what Andi Hary Murty said, Wisnu Pramudyo conveyed possible collaborations with the Railway Maintenance Center regarding the assets of the Railway Maintenance Center. Among the facilities are the Flat Carriage, Open Carriage, MTT, and assets belonging to the Directorate General of Railways such as Telescopic Railways Cranes, Measurement Trains and Inspection Trains.

“We are open to cooperation in the field of railway facilities, and welcome the invitation from the Railway Maintenance Center. Apart from being related to the railway facility itself, perhaps it is also necessary to open a scheme for cooperation in certification activities for facilities and facilities crews," said Wisnu.

To support this step of cooperation between parties in the railway sector, the Railway Maintenance Center is currently developing and compiling the MOU document so that it is hoped that in the future after this activity, an MoU / memorandum of cooperation between regulators, operators, and stakeholders will be implemented.

The same thing was conveyed at an audience forum with Hikkapi DPD Central Java & DIY. The Hikkapi Board of DPD Central Java & DIY conveyed the great potential for collaboration with the Railway Maintenance Center regarding the assets of the Railway Maintenance Center, namely facilities such as Flat Cars, Open Carriages, Multi Tie Tamper, Forklifts and Excavators.

Through this agenda, it is hoped that there will be an understanding between the parties through the MoU / memorandum of cooperation between stakeholders and regulators. So that the interests of each party can be carried out properly and help each other, especially in meeting the needs of railway facilities and in completing needs such as operator personnel, delivery of facilities and other operations.

Hikkapi DPD Central Java/DIY has a request regarding the mechanism for borrowing railway facilities, so that the process can be accessed easily and complete with operator packages, deliveries, and other operations.

The loan facility of the Railway Maintenance Center has the potential to be used in the field of railway construction and general construction work so that if there is an easy calculation and loan process, Hikappi DPD Central Java/DIY is very interested in collaborating with the Railway Maintenance Center.

The agenda for the hearings in the two places went well by implementing health protocols. During the presentation of the material, the Railway Maintenance Center team provided brochures and booklets of managed railway facilities as a reference in future collaboration proposals. (yogo)

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