Head of Baperka: Do Practical Exercises, Elaborate Knowledge and Competencies

Grobogan – The Railway Maintenance Center organizes practical exercises through a program to increase competence in mastery of railway machines, tools and facilities. Activities started on Monday (22/4/2024) at the Ngrombo Workshop emplacement, and will be held for the next month.

Practical exercise is an activity held by the Periodic Maintenance Section and the Heavy Maintenance Section in order to strengthen knowledge and sharpen competence by deepening and exploring a more comprehensive understanding of the function of railway facilities, engine components, electricity, as well as in the context of enriching knowledge about maintenance of railway facilities using maintenance support tools.

Practical exercise with a theme focused on railway machines, tools and facilities, was held because of the relevance of the main tasks of the Railway Maintenance Center in the management of railway facilities which are currently faced with various changes that occur very quickly, even faster than expected and cannot be predicted with various challenges. Changes in the railway sub-sector are starting to emerge with the development of modern train formats, such as high-speed trains and unmanned trains in metro areas.

Thus, there is a need for acceleration and re-understanding of fundamental competencies in the field of railways, both mastery of the concept of facility and contextual mechanics adapted to developments in railway technology that are being experienced now and that will be experienced in the future.

“To what extent is the strength of our technical team to handle the State-Owned Facilities and tools that we manage? "Competency is like a learning process, there is never anything final, it doesn't stop at what is learned in college, but needs to be developed according to developments in the field," said Head of the Prayudi Railway Maintenance Center.

Furthermore, Prayudi believes that the world of theoretical and practical knowledge in higher education can only be at its final stage if it cannot be reconciled with the dynamics of technological developments in the field, especially increasingly modern railway technology. This is still temporary until there are new findings. Therefore, practical exercise is considered important to be carried out as a forum for elaborating knowledge and competence, through strengthening knowledge and sharpening the competence of the internal team of the Railway Maintenance Center.



"The development of railway facilities is improving," Prayudi explained at the internal consolidation forum, accompanied by the Head of the Heavy Maintenance Section and the Head of the Periodic Maintenance Section. It is not only manual railway facilities that will be managed by the Railway Maintenance Center. The work team is required to understand LRT train operations. In the future, Prayudi hopes that the Railway Maintenance Center will be part of carrying out maintenance on LRT trains.

Railway technical competency is an ability which is a totality, accumulation, or aggregate to obtain abilities with professional capacity. This professional level will be demonstrated by further certification.

Nine working groups have been formed to carry out practical exercise activities. Each group was given competency practice objects, including CC 300 Locomotive, Forklift, Flat Carriage, Tadano, Geismar Excavator, VAIA Car Excavator, Bridge Inspection Car (BIC), as well as machines and maintenance support tools.

Machines and maintenance support tools, which were carried out in the first week period, included compressors, lifting jacks, bearing cleaning machines, wheel profile measuring tools, welding machines and other tools used in P1 (Monthly Maintenance) maintenance activities for Geismar Excavator facilities. , VAIA Car and Tadano excavators.



Practical exercise activities are planned for four weeks. Competency practice objects will be rotated for each work group. Later, each group is required to make a report on the results of their activities and then present it to the leadership.

Meanwhile, the output of this activity is expected to bridge the relevance of theoretical and applied science in the field. So that the participants become more professional in their respective fields of work.

With this activity, all participants are required to establish good cooperation between work teams. Because competence in the technical field also needs to be supported by a team work spirit between work teams.

The Practical Exercise activity was attended by the railway technical team from the Railway Maintenance Center, and ASN admissions for 2021, 2022 and 2023. (yogo)

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