Educational Visits to Kindergarten Children, Support the Improvement of the Quality of the Education Sector.

Grobogan – The educational visit program was held for the first time for participants of kindergarten students or abbreviated TK at the Railway Care Center on Friday (3/3/2023). The main purpose of holding the visit was as a form of concern for the Railway Maintenance Center for community empowerment, especially the education sector.

Kindergarten is the level of early childhood education (age 6 years or below) in the form of formal education. The purpose of organizing kindergarten education itself is to increase children's creativity and encourage them to learn about various kinds of knowledge through approaches to the values ​​of language, religion, social, emotional, physical, motor, cognitive, language, art and independence.

All are designed as an effort to develop the child's thinking power and role in his life.

As was the case with dozens of Kindergarten students from Dharma Wanita II Kalongan Purwodadi. This time the Railway Maintenance Center is the destination as well as a place for educational visits as a learning method.

With great joy, they came and entered the Ngrombo Workshop building and were greeted by the accompanying team with child-friendly services. The team is committed to being the child's friend throughout the visit, considering that kindergarten is the golden age.

Throughout the coverage in the field, what children see tends to be easily embedded in themselves, so that learning at the current age focuses on developing cognitive elements. With this method, children are expected to be able to find a picture of their ideals or enrich their imagination of the environment around them, especially specifically in the field of railways.

Regarding his arrival at the Railway Care Center, the head of the agency was happy, "with this activity it is hoped that children will develop more cognitively and know about trains and be motivated to aspire and take part in the world of railroads and develop transportation in the future," explained Head of Administrative Subdivision Gunawati responded to the visit agenda on the sidelines of preparation for the visit.

At the end of the activity, the Kindergarten Teacher of Dharma Wanita II Kalongan Purwodadi Sri Maduretnowati, acknowledged that the visit to the Railway Maintenance Center was part of a fun learning method in the field, to foster high learning motivation, and to prepare a smart and independent generation. He and his students felt a warm and friendly welcome from the Railroad Maintenance Center's companion team.

"As a companion teacher at Dharma Wanita II Kindergarten, Kalongan Purwodadi, Masya Allah... Touched... our children can visit the Ngrombo railway maintenance center... Thank you to all who have helped us, I thank the Railway Maintenance Center. who have received us very well. The children also look very happy, they are happy, cheerful, hopefully in the future this activity will continue," Madu concluded.

The event ran safely and smoothly. The whole team is on standby to look after the children around the workshop environment, especially when the children are walking towards one of the trains. The path must be in a green work area, to ensure the safety of children. During the implementation of the activities in the workshop, the children wore protective helmets, were guided safely, while being given knowledge about trains on the train.

Certain areas are made for safety parameters by placing a safe boundary near the red area, then placing an APAR (Light Fire Extinguisher) near the activity location. Exit access to the workshop building was also opened in various directions, to make it easier when you have to go to the evacuation area which is in the open space on the south or north side of the workshop building. (yogo)

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