Interpret Harhubnas, Let's Be Aware of Safety!

September 17th is National Transportation Day in Indonesia. Every year the Railway Maintenance Center is part of the festivities commemorating the day of service for transportation people.

This year's 2023 Harhubnas carries the theme "Moving for Advanced Transportation", with the meaning of moving consistently and encouraging enthusiasm in carrying out transformation and innovation to realize advanced transportation.

Commemorating National Transportation Day on September 17 2023, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi invites all transportation people to move together to advance Indonesian transportation. Quoting from the Ministry of Transportation page entitled Minister of Transportation: Transportation Personnel Must Move Together to Advance Indonesian Transportation, the Minister of Transportation gave a message regarding the importance of service performance in the transportation sector, that the performance of the transportation sector must continue to be improved in order to provide excellent service to the public .

The Minister of Transportation delivered a message in a speech when leading the National Transportation Harbour Commemoration Ceremony, at the Ministry of Transportation Headquarters, Sunday (17/9).

In accordance with the big theme of Harhubnas this year, namely 'Advancing for Advanced Transportation', meaning that transportation people must be able to consistently and enthusiastically carry out real work in realizing transformation and innovation.

The Minister of Transportation further said that through transformation and innovation, he would create modernization in the transportation sector which would push Indonesia to become a developed country.

The Minister of Transportation continues to encourage sustainable, environmentally friendly development, and continues to improve safety aspects and transportation services.

All transportation personnel, including the Ministry of Transportation as the regulator, then there are transportation operators, regional governments, work partners, and other related elements, to continue to increase cooperation, collaboration and synergy, creating reliable, efficient and competitive transportation.

The Minister of Transportation emphasized that the transportation infrastructure that has been built must be ensured to have optimal benefits and encourage economic growth and welfare of the community at large.

Through the Harhubnas commemoration, the Ministry of Transportation continues to be committed to improving connectivity between regions in Indonesia with an Indonesia Centric paradigm, namely not only building transportation infrastructure in urban areas but also in remote areas. Even this year, various strategic facilities and transportation have been operated, such as: Jabodebek LRT, Fast Train, a number of ports, as well as terminals and airports in remote, disadvantaged, outermost and border areas (3TP).

If you look closely at the excerpt from the Minister of Transportation's message, there are several things that are relevant to the existence of the Railway Maintenance Center, both institutionally and related to its existence in the administrative area of ​​Grobogan Regency.

As an institution, Baperka has a common thread with safety factors in the operation of railway facilities and infrastructure. Meanwhile, the existence of Baperka in the Grobogan Regency area gives it space to synergize with stakeholders in its immediate environment.

The first topic, talking about advanced transportation cannot be separated from transportation safety factors. The more advanced transportation is, of course, it must be directly proportional to the fulfillment of safety indicators in it. Transportation, which plays a role in facilitating mobilization, needs to provide guarantees about how mobilization is carried out to completion, from the start of the drive to the end to the destination. This guarantee applies to both transportation of people and transportation of goods.

Aware of the importance of safety, every transportation person is actively developing operational procedures in their respective fields.

The Railway Maintenance Center (Baperka) itself is an entity that is part of the transportation workforce. For information, Baperka sat down with other transportation personnel in the railway transportation sub-sector cluster.

Based on Law 23 of 2007 concerning Railways, article 13 paragraph 1 states that railways are controlled by the state and their development is carried out by the government. Railway development as mentioned in paragraph (1) includes: regulation, control and supervision. These provisions are outlined in Government Regulation Number 56 of 2009 concerning Railway Operations, in Article 229 concerning the obligations of railway facility operators in maintaining railway facilities so that they remain operationally viable.

The Railway Maintenance Center was created as a concrete form of organizing railway facilities in maintaining railway facilities so that they remain operationally viable. Its duties and functions are to carry out maintenance of state-owned railway facilities.

Railways are a unified system consisting of infrastructure, facilities and human resources, as well as norms, criteria, requirements and procedures for organizing railway transportation. According to Hapsari as quoted in the Road Transportation Safety Journal (Indonesian Journal of Road Safety) Volume 9, No. 2 December 2022, the railroad crossing itself is an intersection between the road and the railroad tracks. Based on PM no. 94 of 2018 concerning Improving Safety at Railway Level Crossings between Railway Lines and Roads. There are three types of railroad crossings, namely officially guarded railroad crossings, officially unguarded railroad crossings, and illegal crossings. And one of the biggest problems for the transportation sector is the high number of accidents every year, as well as in the railway transportation sector. From year to year, the number of accidents in the railway transportation sector continues to increase.

Judging from other sources, according to Service Regulation Number 23 of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) concerning Railway Operational Disruptions, it is explained that train operational disruptions are unplanned events that result in train travel being disrupted, obstructed or an emergency occurring which is detrimental to the Company. According to Fadli Rozaq in the Spoor Madiun Journal: Community Service Journal Vol 1 No. April 1 2021, train accidents are divided into two, namely Train Accidents (KKA) are incidents of collisions between trains, trains overturning, trains derailing and/or burning, while the Non-Train Accident (NKKA) category is events or disturbances train operations other than KKA which result in damage to train facilities and/or infrastructure, casualties and/or property loss.

The public's need for mass transportation, especially trains, tends to increase during peak hours, such as in the morning and afternoon. This activity causes a high frequency of train trips. The result of this high frequency causes a high workload on the available facilities and infrastructure. Of course, gradually facilities and infrastructure will experience a decline in performance. To maintain its economic life according to the theoretical time span, adequate maintenance is required.

The maintenance management system is already contained in applicable regulations. So that operational implementation can follow the fixed procedures in these regulations. Apart from the maintenance management system, special equipment is required for railway maintenance. Of course, operating maintenance equipment also requires competent resources in their field. An integrated maintenance operational system between maintenance management, special equipment and human resources requires an adequate safety and health system.

Having a railway maintenance role, Baperka's role is closely related to transportation safety factors. The maintenance work he carries out also provides guarantees for safe and secure railway operations. The performance target attached to the Railway Maintenance Center is how every railway facility and infrastructure under its management must be in a Ready for Operation (SO) condition before being unloaded on the railway track.

In order to support railway maintenance, the Railway Maintenance Center is mandated to manage three railway maintenance facilities. The first facility is in Grobogan Regency, being one with the Railway Maintenance Center office, namely the Ngrombo Workshop, the second facility is the Depok KRL Depot, which is currently used as a Jabodetabek Electric Railway (KRL) maintenance facility. And the third facility is the Solo Jebres KRL Depot which is located adjacent to Jebres Surakarta Station.

Management of these care facilities is carried out professionally and must meet compliance elements. One of them is by paying attention to the elements of occupational safety and health (K3) in every task and work implementation in the maintenance workshop environment. Maintenance facilities are built with workplace safety standards, then run using K3 instruments within them, including the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for the technical team working, APAR (Light Fire Extinguisher) and other work safety and health support tools.

Every workplace, including the Railway Maintenance Center, always has a risk of accidents. The magnitude of the risk that occurs depends on the type of industry, technology and risk control efforts carried out. Work-related accidents are accidents that occur due to work or while carrying out work at the company.

In general, work accidents are caused by two factors, namely human actions that do not meet work safety (unsafe acts) and unsafe environmental conditions (unsafe conditions). Based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 1 of 1970 concerning occupational safety states that every worker has the right to receive protection for their safety in carrying out work for the welfare of life and increasing national production and productivity. Likewise, everyone else in the workplace needs to be guaranteed their safety. Therefore, in accordance with applicable regulations, every company in which there are workers and the risk of danger occurring is obliged to provide safety protection.

The system used for occupational safety is often referred to as an occupational safety and health management system (SMK3). specifically for railway systems, this safety system is called the Railway Safety Management System (SMKP). This system is used for smooth operations, this system is useful for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating occupational safety and health. Furthermore, it is technically possible to anticipate work accidents. Specifically in this study area, SKMP is more focused on railway maintenance systems.

Specifically in the work environment of the Railway Maintenance Center, potential problems that may arise are the safety aspects of the work environment and whether human resources meet the applicable standards in labor and railway regulations. This is very important so that accidents do not occur which can cause various problems such as loss of life and material loss. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out inspections/studies in the field of K3 in the work environment, including at the Railway Maintenance Center, so that evaluation results and recommendations can be obtained regarding the safety of human resources for facility maintenance personnel and the safety of the railway facilities themselves.

In connection with safety, it is deemed necessary to prevent accidents early. Accident prevention can, among other things, be done by knowing the potential dangers in the Railway Maintenance Center environment by identifying and analyzing the existing conditions of the Railway Maintenance Hall Workshop facilities and human resources for railway facility maintenance personnel.

Baperka then comprehensively developed Railway Safety Management System (SMKP) procedures. Socialization agendas and even internal Focus Group Discussions (FGD) have been carried out to embody the SMKP concept into the work operations of railway employees and maintenance teams.

Baperka carries out active safety campaign activities in collaboration with railway stakeholders. The General Chair of the Railway Society (MASKA), Hermanto Dwiatmoko, was also present at one of the FGD agendas at the Ngrombo Workshop some time ago. This activity aims to increase Baperka employees' understanding of the importance of SMKP.

Quoting the statement from the General Chairperson of Maska, which explained the position of the Railway Maintenance Center, as it is known, is an institution that represents the government/state, it must then play a role in supporting the railway maintenance industry.

Therefore, Baperka is required to continue to develop SMKP in a sustainable manner, with the hope that in the end, the habit of working with a security and safety orientation will become a culture in the work environment of the Railway Maintenance Center.

The Railway Maintenance Center carries out various activities as a form of its active role in implementing safety management in the work environment specifically, as well as supporting transportation safety more broadly.

The main regulator in the field of railway transportation, in this case the Ministry of Transportation, has provided guidelines, instructions and technical regulations regarding the implementation of railway operations which must be supported by safety management standards.

The process of phasing the safety management system, among others, is carried out by the Ministry of Transportation by issuing Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 69 of 2018 concerning Railway Safety Management Systems (SMKP), in order to improve safety aspects in the world of railways. This regulation regulates all aspects of safety management.

Safety management is needed to support safe and comfortable railway operations. To achieve this, safety management tools are needed that involve all elements.

In line with this, the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center, M Andi Hary Murty, said that the development of SMKP which was carried out at the Railway Maintenance Center was an effort to maintain human capital assets by creating a safe, healthy and prosperous work environment, free from work accidents and diseases caused by Work. Apart from that, it can also improve the quality of maintenance of state-owned assets through managing workshops or maintenance areas in accordance with specified standards. This is in accordance with the objectives of SMKP as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 69 of 2018.

As is known, the implementation of SMKP aims to, firstly, improve planned, structured, measurable and integrated railway safety, secondly prevent train incidents and/or accidents, and thirdly create a safe, secure, comfortable and efficient work place and environment for railway human resources.

Safety management functions to improve the safety of rail transportation operations. Errors that occur at several levels will affect the output of the implementation of the rail transportation safety system. For this reason, it is necessary to review the factors that influence the occurrence of accidents. Then from these factors a positive value can be taken, namely preventing accidents through safety to increase the safety of rail transportation.

These efforts become an integral part of the framework for implementing SMKP as a whole in workshop facilities managed by the Railway Maintenance Center.

In line with the implementation of the Railway Safety Management System (SMKP), the Railway Maintenance Center also held certification training activities in two sessions which were carried out in parallel. The first session, operator K3 certification training for power and production aircraft, the second session is operator K3 certification training for lift and transport aircraft.

Certification is carried out by the Central Java Provincial Manpower Service as the authority in the field of labor inspection. Preventive efforts ranging from planning to implementing safety in the workplace, are guided by Law Number 1 of 1970 concerning Work Safety, with the main regulation being to protect the value of one of the important institutional assets, namely employees.

The Railway Maintenance Center itself has various railway facility maintenance workshop facilities. Apart from having a special stabling area for locomotives, carriages, trains and other special equipment, the Center manages a special workshop facility for mechanical equipment, which contains lifting and transport aircraft. The Power and Production Aircraft Group practices operating mechanical equipment, including lathe machines, material engineering machines on flat planes (milling machines), and drilling machines (dilling machines). Meanwhile, the Lifting and Transporting Aircraft Group practiced using lifting jacks and hoist cranes.

Lift and transport aircraft operations tend to be carried out by work teams consisting of several people. On the lifting jack tool, someone is tasked with installing a connection port that connects the power to drive the lifting power on the four lifting tools, and another on the main device that controls the movement of the four tools. All SMN maintenance support devices are installed with safe construction, paying attention to appropriate aspects in terms of their use to support the performance of the technical team in the field. (yogo)

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