Plan Well is Key to Operational Excellence, Director of Railways

Grobogan – Director of Railway Facilities at the Directorate General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation, Djarot Tri Wardhono, reminded the Railway Maintenance Center as a work unit to carry out work planning properly, paying attention to the portion of organizational needs and the goals set. This was conveyed by Djarot when he was at the Central Java Grobogan Railway Maintenance Center during his visit on Saturday (20/11/2021).


On his first visit to the ngrombo workshop, Djarot checked all UPT facilities accompanied by the leadership of the Railway Maintenance Center. Monitoring is carried out comprehensively from the facilities to the stabling line at the hall that carries out the duties and functions in the maintenance of state-owned railway facilities.


After seeing the existing facilities at the Railway Maintenance Center, Djarot, who came with the Head of the Sub-Directorate for Management of SMN Hendrialdi, said that the management of the hall must be carried out according to the standards of a Balai Yasa.


Speaking in front of the staff of the Railway Maintenance Center, Djarot emphasized that good planning is a key factor in maintaining the optimization of the institution's performance in the future. "Do a plan well, plan everything well, pay attention to the needs of the institution to achieve the goals that have been set," explained Djarot.


In good planning must be done holistically. In addition to focusing on technical factors related to data on railway facilities, the approach from the HR perspective is also important to be analyzed carefully. HR planning includes calculating employee needs along with the required competencies and how to optimize employees through various trainings. "In addition, calculate the plan to utilize railway maintenance equipment in the maintenance of railway facilities in order to support management according to the standards of a center," explained Djarot.


As a work unit that will advance as a BLU, the Railway Maintenance Center must explore its potential related to the management of public services for the provision of goods and/or services to be offered. Concern in improving the quality of service must be balanced by preparing the capacity of existing human resources through various training and training needed.


In line with the direction of the Director of Railways, the Railway Maintenance Center at the same time has sent a number of employees to attend education and training at the Indonesian Railway Polytechnic (PPI) Madiun. The program is the result of a collaboration between Baperka and PPI Madiun. Cooperation is carried out for three types of training related to the management of the railway sector.


The visit agenda is running effectively. Observations were made on existing facilities in the workshop environment. The Director of Railways checks the official train, checks rail facilities, the washing place parked on top of the MTT facility, CC300 Locomotive and Inspection Train, then inside the Dirsar Railways workshop building enters the Fudika Train (Railway Dynamics Test Facility) to see the condition of the facilities. maintained. In addition to the Fudika train, Djarot visually inspected the BIC (Bridge Inspection Car) facility parked on the side lane of the Fudika train.


While in the room of one of the official train series, the Director of Railways listened to the presentation of the leadership of the Railway Maintenance Center using audio-visual facilities. The presentation is shown on the multimedia facilities in the Official Train. Seeing the existing potential, Djarot asked the maintenance team to maximize the utilization of idle facilities, in order to increase the productivity of the existing facilities. These efforts must be made towards the direction of professional railway maintenance management with the BLU (Public Service Agency) management scheme later.


In addition to the maintenance workshop building facilities, there are warehouse facilities for special equipment facilities, then there is a fuel filling station facility, and there is a railway maintenance equipment room facility.


All facilities of the Railway Maintenance Center have been built to support the performance of railway maintenance. In its future development, the ngrombo workshop facility will be supported by additional facilities in Cipinang and Depok. Djarot saw the great potential that exists in the Railway Maintenance Center, for this reason a good planning needs to be done. The team needs to re-explore the existing facilities in Cipinang and Depok, so that the potential can be explored optimally.


The group arrived at around four in the afternoon and left six hours later. During the visit, the Director of Railway Facilities had the opportunity to plant trees in the northern courtyard of the workshop building as a concern for preserving the environment. (yog)

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