PPID Baperka Ready to Strengthen Public Information Services

Every public body is obliged to carry out public information services as mandated by the Public Information Openness Law. As one of the UPTs (Technical Services Units) within the Ministry of Transportation, the Railway Maintenance Center also strives to carry out public information services through the PPID (Information and Documentation Management Officer) structure implementing the Ministry of Transportation UPT which was formed by the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center.

Efforts to develop information management through the PPID Implementing UPT Railway Maintenance Center are carried out by referring to the regulations and policies set by the Ministry of Transportation as well as following the Central PPID work program of the Ministry of Transportation.

This is done in line with the Ministry of Transportation's institutional commitment at the central level to maintain it as a public body with an informative title. Management of public information services must be uniform at the institutional structure level at the central level of the Ministry of Transportation, down to the UPT level spread across various work areas.

Realizing the importance of public information services, the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center, M Andi Hary Murty, said that the PPID Implementing UPT at the Railway Maintenance Center will continue to be strengthened so that it is optimal in providing public information service standards.

"We are committed to providing public information services, for this reason we have determined the PPID structure at the UPT Implementing level to optimally accommodate the needs in the field of public information services including the required public information service tools," explained M Andi Hary Murty when he wanted to receive the Information Service Standard Award. Public 2023 UPT Echelon III level within the Ministry of Transportation.

As the recipient of the public information service award in the informative category on the "2023 Public Information Service Standard Award" agenda, the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center ordered the Head of the Heavy Maintenance Section, Udut Pangihutan Sinaga, to attend in person at the event which was held at the Head Office of the Ministry of Transportation.

Quoting the Public Communication and Information Bureau's publication release on the Ministry of Transportation's website, the agenda is intended by the Ministry of Transportation to give awards to Information and Documentation Management Officers (PPID). This activity is a manifestation of the Ministry of Transportation's commitment to maintaining its title as an informative public body.

Awards were given to the 8 (eight) Implementing PPIDs and 32 best Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) PPIDs within the Ministry of Transportation through the "2023 Public Information Service Standards Award" activity which was attended by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi and Chairman of the Central Information Commission Donny Yusgiantoro, at the office Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta, Tuesday (14/11/2023).

"We continue to encourage overall improvement in the quality of public information services in every work unit, both at the central and regional levels, so that it is easier for people to access public information," said the Minister of Transportation.

The Minister of Transportation instructed PPID staff to provide as clear public information as possible to the public. In this way, it is hoped that it can help encourage a good investment climate in Indonesia. "Hopefully this award can provide motivation and enthusiasm to PPID in all Ministry of Transportation work units to continue to improve their services." he said.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Central Information Commission (KIP) Donny Yusgiantoro appreciated the Ministry of Transportation for receiving the Public Agency title in the "Informative" category for 3 (three) consecutive years from 2020 to 2022.

"To realize openness of public information, it requires support, commitment, collaboration from the highest leadership in Public Bodies, as well as all Implementing PPIDs, as is done by the Ministry of Transportation," said Donny.

To assess the performance of PPID both at the central and regional levels, the Public Communications and Information Bureau as Information Manager has carried out Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Public Information Service Standards which will take place in June-October 2023.

Monev was carried out on 8 Implementing PPIDs and 532 UPT Implementing PPIDs within the Ministry of Transportation, consisting of 34 UPTs from the Directorate General of Land Transportation; 296 UPT Directorate General of Sea Transportation; 164 UPT Directorate General of Civil Aviation; 11 Directorate Generals of Railways, and 27 UPTs of the Transportation Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMP). The categories given are the predicates "Informative", "Towards Informative", "Quite Informative", "Less Informative", and "Not Informative".

The judging team consists of representatives from the Ministry of Transportation's PPID Information Manager, Central Information Commission, Freedom of Information Network (FOINI) and the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law. (yogo)

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