Progress of the Railway Safety Management System at the Railway Care Center

Purwodadi - Railway Maintenance Center (Baperka) conducted socialization and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Railway Safety Management System (SMKP) for employees and the internal railway maintenance team. The SMKP material was delivered by the General Chairperson of the Railways Society (MASKA), Hermanto Dwiatmoko in the CC300 Meeting Room Ngrombo Workshop Building. This activity aims to increase understanding of the importance of SMKP to Baperka employees.


"The Railway Maintenance Center, as you know, is a state representative institution that contributes to supporting the maintenance industry in the railway sector, so it is required to carry out SMKP in a sustainable manner which will eventually become a culture in the work environment," explained Hermanto in delivering socialization material, Thursday (15/12 /2022).


This is also part of the SMKP development activities stage in 2022, as well as Baperka's active participation in implementing safety management in the work environment.


The railway regulator, in this case, is the government as the regulator which provides guidelines, instructions and laws and regulations regarding the implementation of the operation of the railway, it is necessary to have standards for safety management that are within the internal government as the regulator.


The process in phasing out the safety management system includes the Ministry of Transportation issuing the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 69 of 2018 concerning the Railway Safety Management System (SMKP), in order to improve safety aspects in the world of railways. This regulation regulates all aspects of safety both regarding safety management.


Safety management is needed to be able to support the safe operation of trains. To be able to achieve this, a safety management tool is needed that involves all elements.


On the other hand, the Head of the Severe Care Section, Udut Pangihutan Sinaga, said at the opening of the event that implementing the SMKP was one of the efforts to create a safe, healthy and prosperous work environment, free from work accidents and work-related diseases. This is in accordance with the objectives of the SMKP in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 69 of 2018.


As is well known, the implementation of SMKP aims to, firstly, improve planned, structured, measurable and integrated railway safety, secondly prevent incidents and/or train accidents and thirdly create a place and work environment for railway HR that is safe, secure, comfortable and efficient.


Safety management functions to improve the safety of rail transportation operations. Errors that occur at several levels will affect the output of the implementation of the rail transportation safety system. Therefore, it is necessary to review the factors that influence the occurrence of accidents. Then from these factors we can take a positive value, namely prevention of accidents through safety to increase the safety of rail transportation.


"With this socialization, it is hoped that the Railway Maintenance Center can carry out its duties according to the correct procedures, for this it is necessary to prepare safety management system documents, with the Balai's internal team, and it is planned that they will be integrated in 2023," concluded Hermanto, expressing his support for the move. Railway Maintenance Center in improving the railway safety management system.


It is these efforts that will later become one unit within the framework of holistic SMKP implementation in the workshop facilities managed by the Railway Maintenance Center. (yogo)

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