Synergy, Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian Receives a Visit from PT KAI Daop 4 Semarang

GROBOGAN – The Head of Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian, M Andi Hary Murty, accompanied by the Head of the Heavy Maintenance Section, Prayitno and the Head of the Administrative Subdivision, Gunawati, received a visit from PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop 4 Semarang in the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian office hall, Monday (7/6/ 2021).

In his remarks, Andi Hary Murty at this activity, among others, welcomed and explained the profile of the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian in general to the management of PT KAI (Persero) Daop 4 Semarang.

This visit is not only for the purpose of gathering the new DAOP 4 Semarang leadership, as well as exploring various possible collaborations with the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian. This was conveyed by the Executive Vice President of Daop 4 Semarang, Wisnu Pramudyo, accompanied by the management of PT KAI (Persero) Daop 4 Semarang.

The official who started to lead Daop 4 Semarang in March, expressed his hope that the synergy that has been built so far, can grow even better, especially from the aspect of rail transportation safety, as well as on the service side to rail transportation service users. "Cooperation regarding assistance in the use of facilities for the improvement of railway lines, so that the control and maintenance process can run more effectively and efficiently," hoped Wisnu.

The discussion, which lasted for about an hour and a half, was filled with presentations on PT KAI (Persero) programs, especially Daop 4 Semarang. One of the collaborations expressed by Wisnu is to support the program to increase the speed of train travel. This increase in speed ultimately results in shorter travel times by cutting travel times.

Then from a historical perspective, according to Operations Manager of Daop 4 Semarang Trionggo Junaedi who was also present at the event, the operational area of ??Daop 4 Semarang has a high risk of potential flooding, with unpredictable weather characteristics. "Our special locomotive to pass through the flood-affected route is already TSO, therefore the CC 300 Locomotive assistance from the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian is very helpful for operations in the field," explained Trionggo.

The same thing was conveyed by Andy Hary Murty, who has the same hope, the management of railway facilities at the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian leads to more professional management, starting from the process of maintaining facilities to their utilization for the benefit of the community.

As is known, the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian Ngrombo is currently racing to develop itself. After connecting the railway line with the highway through Ngrombo Station and adding various maintenance facilities, it was followed by the withdrawal of several state-owned railway facilities to be able to stabilize in the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian area.T

he Head of the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian explained that the audience which was attended by eight management members of PT KAI (Persero) Daop 4 Semarang was a form of good synergy between PT KAI (Persero) as an operator and the Railway Maintenance Center as a representative of the regulator in the railway sector. "In the future, it is hoped that the state assets in Balai can be managed and utilized optimally", said Andi on the same occasion.

Regarding the possibility of using state-owned railway facilities for track maintenance operations by PT KAI (Persero), Andi Hary Murty explained that this was in accordance with the direction of the development of Balai in the future. "We have also discussed with Mr. Secretary of Directorate General (Perkeretaapian), his directives whether or not (state-owned railway facilities) must be utilized," explained Andi. In addition, several top officials within the Directorate General of Railways have several times reviewed the situation at the Balai regarding the readiness for the implementation of integrated management of state-owned railway facilities.

But of course there are many things that must be taken into account, starting from the regulations that will be the basis for implementation that leads to the management of PNBP, as well as the preparation of an organizational structure that is in accordance with the management needs of the management. "Regarding the request for the use of facilities, it is possible, everything will be prepared and communication can be carried out more specifically to make it happen," concluded the Head of the Nursing Center.

After the discussion agenda, the group was accompanied by the Head of the Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian to see the facilities of the state-owned railway hall and facilities with the category of special equipment on site. The event then ended with a group photo with the presentation of souvenirs.

Interestingly, both institutions provide the same souvenir in the form of a miniature train, only with each character. The Balai Perawatan Perkeretaapian brought a miniature CC 300 locomotive in red, while PT KAI (Persero) Daop 4 Semarang brought a miniature black ancient locomotive typical of a steam-driven locomotive from the collection of the Ambarawa Railway Museum, Semarang Regency. (yos)

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