In 2022 Baperka Strengthened Polbit CPNS Formation

Grobogan – The Railway Maintenance Center received as many as 6 Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) Graduates of the Formation Nursery Pattern (Polbit) in 2021 within the Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation.


CPNS Polbit was officially accepted by the leadership of the Railway Maintenance Center, on Monday (14/2/2022) in the office hall of the Railway Maintenance Center, Grobogan, Central Java. The acceptance of the CPNS was led by the Head of the Administration Subdivision of the Gunawati Railway Maintenance Center.


Submission of CPNS Polbit graduates in accordance with the directions in the official letter of the Secretary of the Directorate General of Railways, which was received previously. The CPNS are sent to several work units within the Directorate General of Railways in accordance with the placements set by the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform.


"As the head of the Railway Maintenance Center, I congratulate my CPNS colleagues for receiving Polbit who have been given the mandate of the state, especially for placement in the Railway Maintenance Center," said Gunawati, Head of Subdivision of Administration representing the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center.


He also added that as a civil servant, like it or not, he must be bound by the rules and regulations in the work environment and every civil servant is obliged to obey all applicable laws and regulations. CPNS who are already bound by a contract may not be absent from their work if they do not want to be penalized.


"You will strengthen the ranks of the Railway Maintenance Center, my message is, immediately adapt and synergize with colleagues at the Railway Maintenance Center, whatever work that will be mandated will be adjusted to the direction of superiors, make it a habit to always coordinate and communicate," said Gunawati.


According to the Head of the TU Subdivision as the head of the division in charge of coaching, controlling and supervising the personnel sector, the beginning of the year is the right momentum to introduce and orientate new workplaces.


The Polbit CPNS acceptance agenda runs with strict procedures in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Omicron variant. It was recorded that from 6 CPNS, 1 person was undergoing self-isolation while 5 people were present on the spot and listening to directions and materials for introducing the Railway Maintenance Center. All CPNS present introduced themselves one by one in an orderly and disciplined atmosphere while still applying 3M.


Prior to the start of the event, CPNS are required to carry out a PCR test before entering the Railway Care Center area as an effort to prevent the spread of Covid 19, as directed by the government to be aware of the threat of a new variant of the Covid 19 Omicron virus.


For information, the Ministry of Transportation will accept 980 technical CPNS in the Transportation Sector through the 2021 Nursery Pattern. In line with the rapid development of transportation in Indonesia, it is necessary to balance it with the availability of human resources who have competence in the transportation sector. This is to maintain and improve service quality and safety aspects of land, sea, air and rail transportation.


During a period of 4 years, starting from 2018 to 2021, the Ministry of Transportation through 21 Universities under the Transportation BPSDM, has implemented a Nursery Pattern.


The Nursery Pattern graduates are the sons / daughters with the best talents who have gone through various stages starting from the Selection of Admissions for Cadets (Sipencatar), studying at a Service School within the Transportation Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMP) of the Ministry of Transportation according to the selected study program until graduation and ready to be placed to serve and provide services with integrity. (yogo)

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