JAKARTA – Looking at its history, the construction of the Depok Depot and its facilities was intended to improve the quality of service to the KRL user community in Jabodetabek, which began in 2004 and was operated in 2008 by the Ministry of Transportation.

Utilization of BMN assets in 2023 has the potential to provide PNBP with a value of IDR 36.4 billion. In 2024, BMN assets will be transferred from BTP Class I Jakarta to the Railway Maintenance Center, and a comprehensive assessment will be carried out, resulting in an increase in the PNBP value of IDR 93.1 billion, or a cumulative of 300% (three hundred percent).

Director of Railway Infrastructure Hengki Angkasawan, representing the Director General of Railways, said that the results of the use of PNBP funds can be reused for the development and modernization of more sophisticated equipment, to anticipate future KRL technology, and to increase the stabling capacity of KRL units with the potential for adding 6 KRL stabling lines, 12 trainsets with 8 SF, by optimizing 400 meters/lane of unused Depok depot land.

"The existing route which originally had 16 lanes has become 20 lanes. "Apart from that, the PNBP results can be used to develop an automation system for KRL washing, as well as upgrading building facilities and making smart buildings more efficient, and improving other infrastructure," explained Hengki.The increase in the value of PNBP (Non-Tax State Revenue) at the Directorate General of Railways (DKJA) is a contribution from the synergy between the Railway Maintenance Center and PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (PT KCI).

Apart from that, cooperation between the two parties was carried out with the aim of increasing the safety of environmentally friendly transportation on Jabodetabek urban electric trains. The existence of the Depok KRL Depot has an important role in maintaining facilities to support the operation of public transportation services.

The agenda for signing the Cooperation Agreement was held in Jakarta, Friday (13/9/2024).

The signing of the PKS was carried out by the Main Director of PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia Asdo Artriviyanto and the Head of the DJKA Railway Maintenance Center Prayudi at the signing location for the Sudirman Baru BNI City KRL Station.

According to Prayudi, in 2024 there will be a significant increase in the asset value of the Depok KRL Depot, when a comprehensive assessment is carried out by the State Property and Auction Services Office (KPKNL). This is an effort to optimize PNBP at DJKA, so that its value has increased threefold compared to the previous year.

The two jointly signed cooperation documents cover the use of the land and buildings of the Depok KRL Depot, and the use of equipment and machines attached therein.

"We are trying to update the data on the asset value of the Depok KRL Depo in accordance with the applicable legal provisions carried out by KPKNL, so that there is an increase in asset value, apart from that, there will be additional objects in collaboration with KCI in 2024," explained Prayudi, talking about the process of obtaining PNBP from the Depo. Depok KRL carried out by the DJKA Railway Maintenance Center.

This collaboration aims to increase the optimization of state assets by PT KCI as the urban train operator, in order to improve the maintenance of railway facilities so that they are always operational, safe and comfortable, so that safety becomes a priority for KRL transportation services in the Jabodekabek metro area.

Apart from contributing to PNBP income, this collaboration is an important key to mitigating the presence of new technology for future KRL facilities.

"This is a sustainable development of Jabodetabek KRL transportation services between railway operators and regulators," explained Prayudi when delivering a statement after the cooperation signing ceremony.

Safety, security and comfort are important factors in mass transportation services. Prayudi sees this collaboration as a strategic step to improve the quality of Metropolitan Train facilities services. This is realized in the form of support for the Depok KRL Depot maintenance facility which continues to be operated through a cooperation scheme between PT KCI and the DJKA Railway Maintenance Center.

The President Director of PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia, Asdo Artriviyanto, also said the same thing, that the Depok KRL Depot is the largest KRL maintenance site operated by KAI Commuter. "The Depok KRL Depot is an important part of the KAI Commuter business process in terms of maintaining Commuter Line facilities in the Jabodetabek area," explained Asdo. 

As we all know, public interest in the Jabodetabek Commuter Line is very high. With the highest user volume of almost 1.2 million people per day, the Commuter Line facility must always be reliable in serving all its users.

It is hoped that this collaboration can increase the reliability of the Jabodetabek Commuter Line facilities which are operated every day. "We would like to thank the DJKA Railway Maintenance Center and all parties who have supported this cooperation and collaboration process." closed Asdo. (yogo)

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