Surabaya, After Surabaya Station Pasar turi as the first place that has implemented the Test Service GeNose C19 now train service users are given more convenience to use the covid-19 test service because the service has been present in several stations including Surabaya Gubeng Station, Sidoarjo Station, Malang Station, and Jombang Station and on March 30, it was inaugurated in two stations namely Mojokerto station and Lamongan station. Due to the GeNose C19 test as one of the requirements to travel by train, especially intercity (long-distance) trains.

GeNose C19 is a corona virus detection tool made by experts from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) by only taking breath samples for the test. Which recently officially obtained a circulation permit from the Ministry of Health. You need to know the GeNose C19 test is an alternative to the Covid-19 test itself because it is easier and reasonably priced than other tests. In addition, GeNose's accuracy rate reached 97 percent using 600 valid data samples. Test results are also faster, in just about 2 minutes GeNose can detect whether someone is positive or negative Covid-19. As well as taking test samples in the form of breath is also considered more comfortable, rather than using a swab or swab method. However, please be aware that there are things that we must pay attention to before carrying out the GeNose C19 test, which is 30 minutes before the GeNose test, train passengers are advised not to eat and not to smoke, and train passengers are only allowed to drink mineral water.

Over time the GeNose C19 test has received many responses and responses from the public who have now switched the test to GeNose C19. "GeNose the first one makes it easier for us because the process is not too long, the second trus costs too cheap than other tests yes" said Syarul as Jayabaya Train Service User. In addition, a housewife as a user of Gajayana train services also argues that, "eh make it easier yes, and the cost is also cheaper than other tests". Ms. Silvi said.

GeNose C19 test is just an alternative test and also as a condition of traveling out of town, it is necessary to realize that health comes from our own, therefore the importance of us always maintain and apply existing health protocols such as complying with 5M i.e. wearing masks, washing hands, keeping distance, staying away from crowds, and reducing mobility because our travel will remain healthy if we stick to health protocols. (hmsbtpjtm)

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