Padang Panjang-Solok Rampant Stealing of Railway Property

Padang- The stealing of state assets cases, both rails and railroad iron pads on inactive lines in West Sumatra (West Sumatera) is still rampant. In 2023, 11 stealing cases in several areas in West Sumatra, including Padang Panjang and Solok, were discovered by the Class II Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Padang.

Data from BTP Padang said that of the 11 stealing cases of iron bearings and rails in 2023, it cost the state more than Rp 900 million. Although the losses have decreased from nearly 3 billion rupiah in the previous year, the number of stealing has been increasing each year, considering that only 7 cases were recorded in 2022.

"Although the cases increased this year, the amount of state losses decreased because, in 2022 alone, the state losses due to the stealing cases of these assets reached Rp 2.9 billion," the Head of BTP Padang Endang Setiawan said in his statement.

According to him, in this case, we no longer look at how many stealing cases occur or how much the state loses, but how we together, both stakeholders and the community, can protect existing assets.

"In addition, at present, the cases do not only occur on non-active lines, but also on active lines along Padang - Pariaman, such as the theft of Early Warning System (EWS) cables, so that the EWS does not function properly. Even the cases and destruction of ornamental fences as railway safety facilities. This will certainly have an impact on public safety as well," he added.

On another occasion, when the Director General of Railways M. Risal Wasal visited BTP Padang recently, he said that stealing of state assets cases in West Sumatra must be taken seriously considering that the inactive railway line is longer than the active line which is only 111 kilometers long.

For information, BTP Padang, through the service unit (Satpel) located in several theft-prone areas, namely Padang Panjang Satpel, Sawahlunto Satpel and Padang Pariaman Satpel, have reported to the authorities the cases that occur in their respective work areas. (RAH)

Public Relations of Padang Railway Engineering Center


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