(Baturaja 5/5) - The Team of the Railways Engineering Office Class II  for the South Sumatra Region has carried out monitoring activities for the railroad crossings for the Regional Division III Palembang and IV Tanjungkarang areas, Baturaja, Tuesday morning (4/5). The monitoring activity was also accompanied by representatives of the Transportation Office, Ogan Komering Ulu, accompanied by the distribution of gifts for railway crossing gate guards.

Monitoring activities carried out are in the form of checking the condition of equipment at crossing gates which are assets belonging to the Railways Engineering Office  Class II for South Sumatra Region in the Muaraenim and Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) districts. This monitoring activity is also accompanied by the distribution of gifts to the railroad crossing gate guards, where they are volunteers who have certified competence and expertise. The officers were directly coordinated by the Muaraenim Regency Transportation Office and the Ogan Komering Ulu Regency Transportation Office (OKU). The purpose of the distribution of gifts at this monitoring was carried out in order to welcome Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H.

The distribution of these gifts is also a form of concern for the Railways Engineering Office Class II  for the South Sumatra Region to the railroad crossing gatekeepers. It is hoped that this distribution of gifts can be a blessing and benefit them.

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