Baperka Team Undergoes K3 Operator Certification

Grobogan – In line with the implementation of the Railway Safety Management System (SMKP), the Railway Maintenance Center held two sessions of certification training activities in parallel. The first session was K3 operator certification training for power and production aircraft, the second was K3 operator certification training for lift and transport aircraft. Certification is carried out by the Central Java Provincial Manpower Office as the authority in the field of labor inspection.


The activity was carried out for four days, from 12 to 15 December 2022, at the Ngrombo Workshop and the Railway Maintenance Center office.


The activity was opened directly by the Head of the Railway Care Center, M Andi Hary Murty. In his remarks, Andi advised that K3 operator training activities were carried out to support the implementation of the railway safety management system within the Railway Maintenance Office.


"You can make optimal use of this training agenda, because the maintenance team in the field is required to be K3 operator certified, this has become a mandate that must be carried out, because the Railway Maintenance Office complies with the provisions," Andi said shortly before opening the activity symbolically.


Preventive efforts ranging from planning to implementing safety in the workplace, are guided by Law Number 1 of 1970 concerning Occupational Safety, with the principal setting in protecting the value of one of the important institutional assets, namely employees.


No less than 40 employees took part in the certification. They are a maintenance team for railway facilities that have been tasked with managing the State-Owned Railway Facilities (SMN) and have experience in operating power and production aircraft as well as lift and transport aircraft.


The Railway Maintenance Center itself has various railway facilities maintenance workshop facilities. Apart from having a special stabling place for locomotives, carriages, trains and other special equipment, Balai manages a special workshop facility for mechanical equipment, which contains lift and transport aircraft.


All SMN maintenance support devices are installed in a safe construction, paying attention to aspects of efficiency in terms of their use to support the performance of the technical team in the field.


The training was carried out through theoretical learning methods in the room, and was followed by practical use of the tools available in the Ngrombo Workshop building.


Practice is carried out on the third day. Stick with the division according to each training group. The Power and Production Aircraft Group practices the operation of mechanical tools, including lathe machines, material engineering machines on flat planes (milling machines), and drilling machines (dilling machines).


While the Lift and Transport Aircraft Group practices the use of lifting jacks and hoist cranes. The operation of lift and transport aircraft tends to be carried out by work teams consisting of several people. In the lifting jack, there is someone who is in charge of installing the connection port that connects the power to move the lifting force on the four lifting equipment, and the other on the main equipment that controls the motion of the four tools.


Good coordination is needed, so that during the operation of the tool, it can be done safely and under control. Because certification is carried out for specific topics in K3 (Occupational Health and Safety) for the operation of specific work tools.


During the practical test, participants received assistance as well as an assessment from the labor inspection team at the Central Java Province Manpower Office (Disnaker).


Head of the Surakarta Regional Labor Inspection Unit of the Central Java Province Manpower Office, Widiatmo, said the importance of operator K3 certification, "automatically very important, because after all HR is an important element in a work activity, if you have reliable HR automatically institutional activities will run better, besides of course to comply with regulations in the field of employment, "explained Widiatmo on the sidelines of accompanying K3 operator certification activities. Widiatmo was one of the resource persons and examiners in the certification training activities.


On the fourth day, the trainees carried out the exam online using digital technology as the medium. Questions and answers can be accessed using each participant's laptop. The exam was also carried out under the supervision of a team of professional K3 certification testing institutions.


All participants answered the questions well without any problems while working with the online method. During the observation in the exam room, many exam questions contained regulations in the field of OSH and the technical operation of the technical equipment being studied.


All participants in the OHS certification training for work equipment operators, participate in activities in an orderly manner and respect the entire process for the sake of the process determined by the certification administering body. (yogo)

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