• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The Transportation Journalists Association (Perwahub), in collaboration with the Public Relations Department of the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA), paid a visit to the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS)/LRT South Sumatra. The initial route of the visit started from Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport and stopped at Demang Station.

It then continued for an hour with lunch at Pondok Kelapa Restaurant. The group of 15 journalists eventually returned to the Wyndham Hotel to rest for a while.

Regina Gultom, the person in charge of the activity, explained that the press tour was scheduled from Tuesday, December 5 to Wednesday, December 6, 2023. On Tuesday, there was a social gathering and dinner at the Palembang Culinary Center, as well as a tour of the South Sumatra LRT.

Meanwhile, the activity on Wednesday began with a visit to the Jakabaring LRT Depot and progressed to the Ampera Station integration link. "LSMBRAS (chat with mass media and communities) was held in the afternoon, specifically between 14.00 and 16.00. "It is about optimizing South Sumatra LRT services," he explained.

Following the activity, there was a hospitality event and souvenir distribution to members of the press, both from Perwahub and local media. "Hopefully, the event can run smoothly. And the press can gain knowledge, experience, and lessons from the South Sumatra LRT," he added.

On the other hand, BPKARSS Public Relations Officer Fajar Anugrah Tumanggor expressed satisfaction with the activity initiated by DJKA Public Relations. "Routine agendas like this can introduce South Sumatra LRT services to the public while also having a broader influence on public transportation use," he said.

The event, which is packaged with a tour model to the station, depot, and South Sumatra LRT office, has the potential to further introduce a dependable, safe, and comfortable railway mode. "Hopefully, there is also input that the agency can receive in the future for the sake of progress and better development," Fajar said.

From arrival to departure, he hoped that the 15 Perwahub journalists would bring their knowledge to their respective locations. So that they can introduce the South Sumatra LRT mode of transportation in the areas they serve. "Of course, we are waiting for the tension of journalist friends, with the various platforms they have," he concluded.

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