The Finance Group is in charge of preparing financial management and state property, as well as fostering Public Service Agency governance within the Directorate General of Railways.

In carrying out its duties, the Finance Group carries out the following functions:

  1. Preparation of materials for coordination and budget execution, preparation of plans and administration of the implementation of the revenue and expenditure budget as well as budget revisions within the Directorate General of Railways;
  2. Preparation of materials for budget treasury coordination and implementation, financial administration, and state property management, as well as fostering the governance of the Public Service Agency within the Directorate General of Railways; and
  3. Preparation of coordination materials, as well as implementation of budget verification, bookkeeping, and budget calculations within the Railway Directorate General.

The Finance Group is made up of the following individuals:

  1. Sub-coordinator of Budget Implementation,
  2. Sub-coordinator of Treasury and State-owned Goods, and
  3. Sub-coordinator of Budget Verification Subdivision.

Organizational Structure of Finance Group

Finance Group Coordinator Profile

Profil Kepala Bidang Keuangan

Riwayat Jabatan beliau antara lain Kepala Bagian Keuangan (20-09-2022), Kepala Subbagian Pelaksanaan (27-07-2017), Kepala Subbagian Verifikasi Anggaran (23-12-2010 s.d 11-12-2014), Analis Anggaran Ahli Muda (23-12-2020), serta Staf Bagian Keuangan DJKA (05-01-2006 s.d 23-12-2010).

Alamat Kantor : JI. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 8 Gd. Karsa Lt. 14,  Jakarta Pusat Telp. (021) 3518064 Ext. 1349 Fax. (021) 3813972.


Work Program for Fiscal Year 2021

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation of Budget Implementation at the Work Unit and Center within the Directorate General of Railways for Fiscal Year 2021
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation of PNBP at the Work Unit and Center within the Directorate General of Railways for the 2021 Fiscal Year
  3. Proposed Revision of DIPA/POK Work Unit and Center within the Directorate General of Railways for Fiscal Year 2021
  4. Proposed Targets and Use of PNBP of the Directorate General of Railways for Fiscal Year 2022
  5. Proposed Revision of Budget Savings within the Directorate General of Railways for Fiscal Year 2021
  6. Proposed Changes in the Composition of Multi-Year Contract Funding and Revised SBSN Launches Not Absorbed for Fiscal Year 2020 to 2021
  7. Proposed Revision of Budget Returns due to the Revised DIPA of Budget Savings at the Work Unit and Center in the Directorate General of Railways for Fiscal Year 2021