"The Railways Examining Office has the task of carrying out testing of Railway Infrastructure, Facilities and Human Resources." 


Becoming a Professional National Railways Examining Office with EXCELLENT services. EXCELLENT services which means Professional, Friendly, Innovative, Independent, and Accountable. 


  1. Implement and Maintain Railways Examining Quality Management System.
  2. Improving Human Resource Capabilities
  3. Improving Testing Facilities and Infrastructure
  4. Improving the Development of Examining Methods according to the Development of Science and Technology
  5. Improve Management Support and Other Technical Support

In carrying out its duties, the Railways Examining Office carries out the following functions:

  1. Implementation of the first and periodic testing of railway lines, railway buildings, and railway operating facilities;
  2. Implementation of the first and periodic testing of movable and non-motorized railway facilities;
  3. Implementation of the first and periodic testing of special equipment;
  4. Implementation of competency testing of the crew of railway facilities;
  5. Implementation of competency testing of railway infrastructure operating officers;
  6. Implementation of competency testing for Infrastructure Examiners, Facilities Examiners, Infrastructure Inspectors, Facilities Inspectors, and Railways Auditors;
  7. Management of administration, internal affairs, personnel, financial, legal, and public relations affairs.

Organization of the Railways Examining Office consists of:

  1. Subdivision of Administration;
  2. Railways Infrastructure Examining Section;
  3. Railways Facility Examining Section;
  4. Railways Human Resources Examining Section;
  5. Functional Position Group



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