• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of South Sumatra Province conducted a urine test for employees of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) and the Palembang Class II Railway Engineering Center at the BPKARSS Ampera Meeting Room, Thursday, 16 November 2023.

A total of 200 employees were registered to get an examination number. The BNN South Sumatra officers guided the employees one by one to the toilet, filled the urine tubes, and recorded the results of the examination.

One of the participants was Fajar Anugrah Tumanggor. The BPKARSS public relations officer was taking part in the examination for the first time. "I think this is important to improve the quality of work in government agencies. This is also in line with the government's spirit to produce workers with integrity and professionalism," he added.

On the other hand, the Public Relations Officer of BTP Class II Palembang Gustia Dewinda explained that there were 100 of them who participated. "Personally, we also have to strengthen our image in the community by participating in this activity. It's a pretty good step," she said.

Meanwhile, South Sumatra Province BNN Community Empowerment and Prevention Coordinator Ika Wahyu Indaryati explained that this program is carried out regularly by reaching out to various stakeholders. "Previously, we did it at the High Prosecutor's Office, the District Attorney's Office, and the Ministry of PUPR," she explained.

There are seven indicators of examination taken in the urine test. Specifically, cocaine, marijuana, morphine, bonzodiazepines, amphetamines, marijuana (THC), and other addictive substances "Before conducting the examination, we also note the background of drug use. We highlight them for consideration," he said.

The government, he said, continues to strive to advance agencies, schools, and other institutions to uphold a drug-free work area. "This is an early detection effort. We do it in secrecy. Not known by employees. So that it gives a shock effect to workers," he said.

In addition, he thought of forming an anti-drug task force, one of whose functions is to educate the public. "This drug issue is already extensive. So the handling must be comprehensive. With the formation of the task force, it is hoped that employees, workers, and the general public will be educated," she said.

Ika also invited all local governments and the central government to continue to promote the anti-drug campaign. This is because it has an impact on the younger generation, who currently work in agencies that are in direct contact with the wider community.

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