• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


On Thursday, 7 December 2023, the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) paid a visit to Palembang Police Station and Palembang Kodim 0418. BPKARSS Head Rode Paulus was welcomed by Palembang Police Commissioner, Harryo Sugihhartono, in the Police Office's Cenderawasih Meeting Room.

The activity was in the framework of discussing preparations for Christmas 2023 and the New Year 2024 (Nataru). Rode said that he wanted the police to support the security and control of the South Sumatra LRT area during Nataru. "Like last year, we need the assistance of police officers," he said.

He explained that in 2022, there would be three personnel with a shift system on guard at each station. Aside from securing Nataru, police also trained South Sumatra LRT security officers to deal with threats or disturbances that cause public unrest.

"However, alhamdullilah, the previous Nataru had no significant obstacles." So far, everything has gone smoothly," he added. According to Rode, the synergy between the police and BPKARSS must start now. Thus, it can face the possibility of passengers starting from 20 December to 7 January as the peak of the return flow.

Meanwhile, Harryo welcomed the BPKARSS visit. He assigned each agency a Nataru security team that had been formed. "Please prepare," he told the Intelkam officers in attendance.

BPKARSS continued to Kodim 0418/Palembang after visiting the Palembang Police Station. Rode Paulus was welcomed in the main room by Commander of Kodim 0418 Lieutenant Colonel Czi Arief Hidayat M Han. Members of the South Sumatra Regional Police were also present at the event.

Rode communicated their intentions and goals for visiting the Palembang Kodim. "We would like to invite you and your team to help secure Nataru, which will be arriving soon," he said.

Meanwhile, Arief stated that the restoration would take a social approach to the community in security, in addition to preparing personnel in the field. "We have Babinsa who have been trained to deal with any social issues that arise in the community." We are ready to synergize," he said.

He hopes that the cooperation between BPKARSS and the Palembang Kodim will continue. "I will stop by the office in turn," Arief added, laughing.

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