• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


Palembang Acting Mayor Ratu Dewa visited the South Sumatra LRT on 10 December 2023. Ratu Dewa and his team boarded the feeder from Momea and then stopped at Bumi Sriwijaya Station during their visit. She was seen joking and chatting with passengers on the trip.

Ratu arrived at the station and checked the officers' readiness to carry out train operational tasks. She also went to the reading corner and inquired about the books available. "I am quite impressed with the management. "In addition to being clean and safe, visitors can wait comfortably while reading books," she explained.

Ratu continued his journey on the LRT to Ampera Station after five minutes of chatting with the library staff. She was accompanied by Aditya Yunianto, the Head of Utilization of Facilities and Infrastructure of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS), and she occasionally saw people gathering and inquired about the purpose of the trip.

"Where are you going? You have taken the LRT before," the former Palembang Secretary asked one of the passengers. He admitted that he was pleased to see such a large number of passengers taking the LRT to Ampera station. "It is a holiday today." Naturally, it is crowded here. "A lot of people want to go to Ampera," he explained.

According to Ratu, the community's primary modes of transportation are feeder and LRT. "First, the feeder. This could be done for free. It also reaches out to remote areas. Of course, this is beneficial to our transportation. Furthermore, LRT is a cutting-edge mode of transportation with low operating costs. Track routes to and from congested areas. As a result, it is extremely suitable for use," he added.

So far, he has seen a significant increase in the South Sumatra LRT's operation. It is not only about the number of passengers but also about the general public's willingness to use public transportation. "We need to keep raising this awareness so that it does not become stagnant, but rather sustainable," said the IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang graduate.

He hopes that the feeder transportation mode and the South Sumatra LRT will continue to expand, and he believes that the Palembang city government will undoubtedly support the improvement of dependable, comfortable, and safe transportation modes. "That is consistent with the tagline of the central government." "In particular, Aditya is urging the National Movement to Restore Public Transportation (GNKAU)."

According to Adit, BPKARSS will continue to discuss the development of feeder transportation modes and LRT in 2024. "Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has also stated that the addition of feeders in Palembang will be studied." Of course, this cannot be separated from the role of the city government," the PTDI-STTD graduate explained.

Furthermore, management is attempting to improve operational services in terms of both facilities and passenger safety. "For example, routine maintenance of trains, air conditioners, elevators, and escalators contributes to the preparedness of security officers in ordinary and emergencies," he said.

He hopes that, apart from being supported by the city government, the progress of South Sumatra LRT is also determined by the community. "GNKAU cannot run without passenger support. This is the pride of South Sumatra residents. It's time we move forward," he concluded.


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