• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


Railway transportation is currently improving the level of service through infrastructure development, facilities, and human resources, as well as railway regulations. The national railway development program is in line with the railway implementation objectives mandated by Act No. 23/2007 on Railways, which are then outlined in the form of the National Railway Master Plan (RIPNAS) and the Strategic Plan for the Railway Sector, both of which have a role and contribution to improve and encourage the national economy.

In order to realize reliable railway transportation, a relatively large investment is needed to improve the competitiveness and carrying capacity of railway infrastructure and facilities. Considering that railway transportation is a form of public service, the Government has the responsibility to provide transportation either through the financing mechanisms of the State Budget (APBN), Regional Budget (APBD), Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) or fully private.

The Directorate General of Railways is given the responsibility to carry out guidance, including regulation, control, and supervision of the implementation of railways, and provide accountability to the general public (public) including aspects of accountability for the implementation of Government duties both administratively and managerially leadership through rules and policies set out in Presidential Regulation number 29/2014 concerning the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP). Based on the Presidential Regulation, it is conveyed that every Government agency is obliged to be accountable and inform its performance and actions to parties who have the right or authority to request information and accountability in realizing good governance. Furthermore, Presidential Regulation number 29/2014 was followed up within the Ministry of Transportation through Minister of Transportation Regulation number PM 85/2020 concerning the Implementation of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP).

In connection with the accountability aspect of the implementation of the Government's duties, the Government Agency Performance Report (LKIP) of the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation in 2022 was prepared as an accountability report on the performance achievements of the Directorate General of Railways. This is in accordance with the commitments set out in the Performance Agreement document of the Directorate General of Railways. The commitment is the mandate and responsibility of the Directorate General of Railways to achieve the performance contained in the formulation of the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan 2020-2024.

The preparation of the Performance Achievement Monitoring Report of the Directorate General of Railways for the fourth quarter of 2022 was carried out with the aim of:

  1. Provide performance information and evaluate performance achievements, including the progress of program/activity implementation.
  2. Identify problems in the implementation of programs / activities in an effort to achieve performance targets.
  3. Develop problem-solving recommendations and performance improvement efforts in the following period to ensure the achievement of the targets set in the Performance Agreement.

The purpose of preparing the Performance Achievement Monitoring Report for the fourth quarter of 2022 is to measure the success/failure of the implementation of programs/activities of the Directorate General of Railways in the context of accountability through the implementation of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP).

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