• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


In order to realize the implementation of a clean and transparent state towards the achievement of Good Governance, the Directorate General of Railways is given the responsibility to manage, regulate and supervise the implementation of railway transportation to the public to meet the requirements of adequate services including aspects of accountability for the implementation of the Government's duties as regulator.

Based on Presidential Regulation Number 29/2014 concerning the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP), each government agency is required to account for the success / failure in the implementation of programs and activities that have been mandated by the mandator for the performance that has been and should be achieved, as well as being able to provide measurable performance information with targets and performance metrics.that are prepared periodically as a continuous improvement effort to improve performance.

The performance achievement of each strategic goal description is shown through the achievement of each performance indicator on the output-oriented target. To measure performance accountability for the achievement of strategic goals, it is outlined through programs / activities that are interrelated and synergize to form a number of outputs or outcomes in achieving a particular goal. Therefore, in measuring the success of performance achievement in accordance with programs and targets, measurements are made of the performance achievements of each performance indicator on a regular basis. 

The Performance Monitoring Report for the Second Quarter of 2023 is basically a form of measurement of the performance achievements of each performance indicator on a regular basis for work units within the Directorate General of Railways which is prepared based on the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 85/2020 concerning the Implementation of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP). The performance monitoring report contains, among others, a description and evaluation of performance achievement in a certain period associated with the identification of obstacles / problems and performance improvement efforts made to achieve targets, programs and performance indicators within the framework of fulfilling the objectives of the implementation of the duties and functions of the work unit.