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South Sumatra LRT Carried 4 Million Passengers, Minister of Transportation Expresses Appreciation

Jakarta (29/12) - Towards the end of 2023, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) made another achievement with the transportation of the 4 millionth passenger by the South Sumatra LRT on Wednesday, 27 December 2023. This passenger number also exceeded the previous year's total of 3.087.735 passengers, representing a 30% increase.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi expressed his appreciation to all levels of DJKA for this achievement and emphasized the importance of efforts to shift the mobility of people to use public transportation. "What we have accomplished together in Palembang must serve as motivation for improved public transportation, so that people are willing to abandon their private vehicles," the Minister stated in Jakarta on Friday, 29 December 2023.

In accordance with the direction of Minister of Transportation Budi, Director General of Railways Risal Wasal stated that DJKA is continuing to improve and make efforts to meet the target of shifting passengers. "In South Sumatra LRT, we are collaborating with partners and related stakeholders to maximize the existence of feeder transportation that serves stations and connects to the community's activity centers," Risal stated.

Furthermore, Risal stated that DJKA, through the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS), has carried out a variety of promotional activities involving communities, regional apparatus, and leaders. In addition, promotional efforts are made through educational trips (edutrip / edu-tour), payment digitization, promo/discount rates, subscription card launches, and service facility improvements.

"The LRT Fest event is held every year to socialize and promote the South Sumatra LRT to all groups, particularly the younger generation," Risal explained.

In terms of achievements in 2023, Risal stated that the most significant contribution to passenger occupancy figures occurred during the momentum of the Palembang City Anniversary and Bhayangkara Day celebrations, as well as holidays and national holidays such as Eid al-Fitr and Christmas. With the Christmas and New Year's momentum alone, the average daily passenger number of South Sumatra LRT has surpassed 19.000, far exceeding the regular daily average of only 11.950 passengers per day.

Risal hopes that South Sumatra LRT's achievements will continue to improve in the future, allowing the community's dream of building a mass transportation system to be realized. "After all, we present the South Sumatra LRT to the people of Palembang and its surroundings, so we hope that more and more people will take advantage of this mode of transportation for their daily activities," Risal concluded. (HJA/DA)


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