• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


On Sunday, 10 December 2023, the Light Railway Service (LRT) held another socialization event in Kambang Iwak, Palembang, to improve public transportation connectivity in the South Sumatra region.

The "Public Transportation Connectivity" event is part of South Sumatra LRT's initiative to educate the public about the benefits of using public transportation and to introduce LRT and feeder services to the people of Palembang City.

This event featured a number of interesting activities, including free health checks for attendees. This is in line with South Sumatra LRT's commitment to support community welfare by providing services that go beyond transportation. A trained medical team was on hand to provide light health checks to visitors.

Furthermore, the event included interactive games to educate attendees on the importance of public transportation in reducing congestion and negative environmental impacts. The games were designed to provide a fun and effective understanding of the use of LRT and feeders.

The event concluded with the awarding of prizes to those who actively participated in the activities. Visitors were drawn in by the attractive prizes of exclusive South Sumatra LRT merchandise.

This event is a tangible manifestation of LRT's support for the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable public transportation.

It is hoped that by integrating LRT services with other modes of transportation such as Fedeer, Damri, and Teman Bus, people will have easier access to efficient and comfortable modes of transportation. This is in line with the hope of South Sumatra LRT to create an integrated public transportation system and contribute positively to community mobility.

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