The Makassar - Parepare Cross Railway Enters Phase 2 of the First Test

Bekasi (16/03) – The 144 km Makassar – Parepare Railways Project is part of the Trans Sulawesi Railways network which will connect the entire island of Sulawesi. The route that will connect the ports in Parepare and Makassar has been tested for phase 2 by the Track and Building Testing Team of the Railways Testing Office.

By using State-Owned Property, Track Geometry Car No. SU 3 17 01 which is equipped with gauges for measuring rail geometry sensors produced by ENSCO, Inc. and Track Geometry Trolley for this 1435mm railway line, the Railway Track and Building Test Team carried out their duties to carry out track testing of approximately 20 KM.

The test which took place from Tuesday (02/03) to Friday (05/03) was carried out in order to certify the track on the crossing. This test is also carried out at the same time to ensure that the results of the work of the East Java Regional Railway Engineering Center have met the requirements based on the Minister of Transportation Regulation (Permenhub) Number 30 of 2011 concerning Procedures for Testing and Providing Railway Infrastructure Certification, and Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 60 of 2012 concerning Technical Requirements for Railways and Permenhub Number 29 of 2011 concerning Technical Requirements for Railway Station Buildings.

In practice, the tests carried out are design tests and function tests. The design test is carried out by comparing the technical documents used with the conditions in the field. Meanwhile, the function test is carried out by measuring and analyzing the results of the installed test object.

The results of the tests that have been carried out by the Track and Building Examiner team will be submitted to the Directorate of Railway Infrastructure for monitoring and evaluation and processed for the issuance of the first test certificate.


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Directorate General of Railways
Ministry of Transportation
Pusdiklat Raya Streets, Harapan Mulya, Medan Satria, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat

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