Implementation of Periodic Test of Railway Facilities in DAOP 8 Surabaya

Train is one of the modes of transportation that have special characteristics and advantages, especially in its ability to transport both passengers and goods en masse, save energy, save space, save fuel and have a low level of pollution.

In order to provide transportation services with a high level of safety, security, accuracy, smoothness and comfort, the operated railway facilities must have reliability and meet safety requirements so that the railway facilities are always in a ready-to-use condition and technically feasible to operate.

In this case, the Railways Testing Office through the Railways Facility Testing Team fulfills the request of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Operation Area (Daop) 8 Surabaya to conduct Periodic Testing of Railways Facilities.

Periodic Testing of Railways Facilities was carried out in 2 (two) cities, namely Surabaya, precisely at the Locomotive Depot, Train Depot, and Sidotopo Carriage Depot and Malang city which was located at the Malang Train Depot. For time efficiency, testing is carried out from Tuesday (2/3) to Friday (5/3).

Railway facilities that are regularly tested consist of locomotives, locomotive-drawn trains and wagons. During the testing activities, the Railways Facilities Testing Team maintains the Health Protocol to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Virus and also the testing implementation still refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation PM Number 13 of 2011 concerning Standards, Testing Procedures and Certification of Self-Moving Trainworthiness.

The results of the tests that have been carried out by the Railway Facilities Testing Team will be submitted to the Directorate of Railways Rolling Stock for further analysis and processing for the issuance of Periodic Test Certificates and Test Passes.


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Directorate General of Railways
Ministry of Transportation

Jl. Pusdiklat Raya, Harapan Mulya, Medan Satria, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat

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