Testing of The Greater Jakarta LRT Infrastructure Testing Begins!

Bekasi - The infrastructure testing team for railway operation facilities, the Railway Testing Center, the Directorate General of Railways has begun to carry out the first test of the Jabodebek Light Rail Transit (LRT) operating facilities (Fasop).

This first series of tests was carried out on Tuesday (6/4) to Sunday (11/4) which began with testing the Jabodebek LRT electrical installation sub-system in the form of 7 Traction Substations / TPSS and underground electrical installations or Third Rail starting from Harjamukti Station to before entering Cawang station along 14 KM.

The tests carried out on the Traction Substation and Third Rail installation are as follows:

  1. Traction Substation:
  2. Design Test (Conformity of Drawings and Technical Specifications)
  3. Function test:
  • Open/Close Circuit Breaker (CB) locally/remote
  • Grounding System Resistance
  • Intertripping (Linked Breaking Device/LBD)
  • Bypass Traction Substation
  • Autorecloser
  • Emergency Stop
  • Third Rail:

The design test is in the form of measuring the height and horizontal distance using a jig.

The Head of the Railway Testing Office, Yuwono Wiarco, and the Head of the Railway Infrastructure Testing Section, Amanda Pritasari, participated indirect monitoring of the testing activity process accompanied by the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) and the Head of the Technical Division of the Jabodebek LRT Infrastructure Development Work Unit. Also present at this testing process where representatives of the Monitoring and Evaluation team of the Directorate of Railways Infrastructure, the OCG-Jris Implementing Consultant team, and the PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk Implementing Contractor team.

During the testing, the entire team presents adhered to the applicable health protocols, such as using masks, maintaining distance between individuals, and also cleaning hands with soap before starting work, and using hand sanitizers when working.


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Twitter : @BalaiUji_KA
Instagram : @balaipengujianka
Youtube : Railway Testing Center
Portal : https://djka.dephub.go.id/site/unitkerja/balai_pengujian_perkeretaapian

Directorate General of Railways
Ministry of Transportation

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