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Tax Socialization: Tax Education and Introduction of e-Bupot

Grobogan – The ranks of the Railway Maintenance Center participated in the Tax Education Socialization and introduction of the Unification e-Bupot Application, Wednesday (12/8/2021). The activity which was attended directly by the Head of the Purwodadi Taxation Service, Counseling and Consultation Office (KP2KP Purwodadi) Achmad Soleh took place in the Hall of the Railway Maintenance Center Office, Toroh, Grobogan.


Head of KP2KP Purwodadi Achmad Soleh, welcomed the tax socialization initiated by the Railway Maintenance Center. "We appreciate that the Railway Maintenance Center institutionally and personally its employees have carried out their obligations well, in the form of tax collection/withholding both on procurement transactions and in filling out annual tax returns for employees," he explained.


According to the Head of Administration Subdivision of the Gunawati Railway Maintenance Center, current technological developments will make it easier for us to carry out daily work, especially with the emergence of applications such as e-Bupot. “The presence of this electronic withholding proof application makes the taxation process easier. We can produce and issue evidence of electronic tax withholding without the need for a wet signature, besides that this proof of withholding is stored safely in the official administrative system of the Directorate General of Taxes," said Gunawati.


The resource person for KP2KP Purwodadi, led by Achmad Soleh, delivered the material which was divided into two sessions, the first on the subject matter of tax components in government agencies, then the second session on the e-Bupot application for government agencies.


In between the material, Achmad gave an appeal if you want to consult about taxation, preferably to parties who are indeed competent in their fields in order to get the correct input. "Many of us think that tax consultations are not from experts, even only through the internet, so the answers we get are feared not necessarily correct, so it is better to refer to competent parties," explained Achmad.


In the first material presentation session, the Railway Maintenance Center was referred to as an organizational subunit that has the rights and obligations to withhold or collect taxes, record tax invoice data, generate billing codes and fulfill other tax obligations determined by the Directorate General of Taxes and carried out electronically.


In the second material, KP2KP Purwodadi explained the presence of e-Bupot as a working tool to carry out tax obligations of organizational subunits. E-Bupot will make it easier for taxpayers to carry out their tax collection obligations according to the realization in the agency.


E-Bupot can be easily accessed by government agencies through the website of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) at https://djponline.pajak.go.id.


During the socialization at the Railway Maintenance Center, it can be seen that the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) introduced e-Bupot for government agencies to provide convenience and services for government agencies. Based on Article 1 number 26 PER-17/PJ/2021, the e-Bupot application for government agencies is: software provided on the website belonging to the Directorate General of Taxes or certain channels determined by the Director General of Taxes that can be used to make Proof of Withholding 21/26 Government Agencies and Proof of Withholding/Collecting Unification of Government Agencies, as well as filling out, and submitting SPT 21/26 of Government Agencies and SPT Unification of Government Agencies.


Based on this definition, it can be seen that the e-Bupot application for government agencies can be used to produce proof of deductions for 21/26 government agencies and proof of withholding/collecting unification. "E-Bupot is a system for making proof of tax deduction using internet facilities without going through other parties," explained Achmad.


In more detail, the e-Bupot application for government agencies consists of two types.


First, e-Bupot unification of government agencies. This application is used to report PPh Article 22, PPh Article 23, PPh Article 4 paragraph (2), PPh Article 15, PPh Article 26, VAT and PPnBM collectors. This application is website-based so it does not require an installer


Second, e-Bupot PPh Article 21 which is used to report Income Tax Article 21. This application is also website-based so it does not require an installer. With a website-based application, the data will be stored more securely on the DGT server.


The e-Bupot application for government agencies must be used starting from the September 2021 tax period. This application is expected to provide convenience for government agencies because they no longer have to make withholding evidence and report the PPh Period SPT separately with different applications.


“Online tax application is certainly more profitable for taxpayers because it can be done at any time. The application of this application is relatively new, starting on September 1, 2021 and is not retroactive, meaning that it is effective from the date it comes into effect," said Achmad.


The e-Bupot application for government agencies is also intended to provide legal certainty regarding the status and reliability of withholding/collection evidence. The application is also intended to improve compliance in making withholding/collecting evidence and submitting SPT. (yogo)