• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

Baperka & PT KCI, Discuss Solo-Jogja KRL Service Support

The Solo Jebres KRL Depot in Surakarta has a number of superior facilities for storing, checking, maintaining and repairing overhead power (LAA) facilities and their supporting components.

Currently, progress in using the Depot facilities is continuously being accelerated through intensive discussions between the Railway Maintenance Center and PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (PT KCI).

Both parties have the same interest in developing state assets at the Solo Jebres KRL Depot more optimally.

The final discussion was held on Thursday (2/4/2024) in the Solo Jebres KRL Depot meeting room facility. The meeting was attended directly by the Head of the Prayudi Railway Maintenance Center and the Technical Director of PT KCI Denny Haryanto.

"The existence of the Solo Jebres KRL Depot which is managed by the Maintenance Center, one of which is to support increasing train transportation services on the Solo Jogja link line, considering that the future trend will be an increase in the number of Solo Jogja KRL passengers, the effect in our opinion is that additional travel is needed, for 'headway' or time "There are also adjustments to wait for departure and increase the average travel speed," said Prayudi.

The facilities that are ready for use are the entire depot emplacement area including the KRL maintenance workshop building with LAA (Upstream Electricity) facilities covering an area of ​​4516.95 square meters. The workshop itself has platform facilities, underfloor, underfloor, stabling area, platform and workshop area. Apart from the workshop area, the depot is equipped with supporting equipment.

"As a modern mode of transportation operating in the Solo Jogja area, the Jogja Solo KRL certainly requires the support of qualified maintenance facilities," said PT KCI Technical Director Denny Haryanto.

According to Denny, the PT KCI Team is ready to develop the Solo Jebres KRL Depot facility with a cooperation scheme in accordance with applicable regulations. Including the addition of maintenance support tools that are not yet on the list of existing support tools.

Both institutions are currently preparing the administration and technical aspects of using the Solo Jebres Depot in a marathon manner. Legal preparations are guided by Minister of Finance Regulation Number 115/PMK.06/2020 concerning Utilization of State Property and Decree of the Minister of Finance Number 213/KM.6/2021 concerning Procedures for Implementing the Utilization of State Property.

From the Railway Maintenance Center's point of view, the use of the Solo Jebres Depot is an effort to make effective use of BMN if the BMN is productive and can contribute and benefit the country, rather than creating a burden for the country.

The BMN Control and Supervision Mechanism (Wasdal) will continue to be implemented by the Railway Maintenance Center as the owner of BMN assets in accordance with recommendations from the Ministry of Finance through the Semarang State Assets and Auction Services Office. The supervision and control carried out includes administration and control activities regarding user implementation, use of transfer, maintenance and supervision of BMN, even though the status of BMN will later become an asset leased to PT KCI.

Even though it is not the first time, the collaboration on the utilization of Solo Jebres KRL Depot assets which will be carried out between the Railway Maintenance Center and PT KCI is a record of joint collaboration between regulators and operators of the railway transportation sector, in creating support for public services in the field of railway transportation, especially modes that connect the city of Surakarta. and Yogyakarta. (yogo)

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