• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

Technical Guidance on Inspection, Operation, and Maintenance of State-Owned CC 300 Locomotive Facilities

Solo (23/5) - The Directorate of Railway Facilities carried out Technical Guidance for Inspection, Operation, and Maintenance of State-Owned CC 300 Locomotive Facilities which was held for 3 days in Solo, Central Java.

This activity is a form of knowledge transfer and is expected to provide an improvement in the competency of Railway Human Resources (HR).

"With the growth of railways in Indonesia, it is hoped that this technical guidance can provide an increase in Railway Human Resources (HR) and can be one of the supports to actualize the vision of the Directorate General of Railways to realize national connectivity that is reliable, competitive, integrated, technological, synergized with industry, affordable and able to answer development challenges. Reliable connectivity must be supported by reliable facilities, reliable facilities must be supported by a good maintenance management system, "said Suranto, Director of Railway Facilities.

Technical Guidance on Inspection, Operation, and Maintenance of State-Owned CC 300 Locomotive Facilities carries five materials, each of which is delivered by different speakers, including:

  1. Introduction to Locomotive Facilities Technology in Indonesia and Various Countries by Mr. Ir. G. Indarto Wibisono, M.T.
  2. Design and Build of CC 300 Locomotive by Mr. Yunendar Aryo Handoko, ST, Ph.D.
  3. CC 206 Locomotive Maintenance Benchmark by Mr. Ruddy Angsya Yodha.
  4. Engine Maintenance of CC 300 Locomotive by Mr. Dimas.
  5. Operation Feasibility of CC 300 Locomotive by Mr. Ir. Hermanto Dwiatmoko MSTr.

In his speech Suranto also said "The importance of maintenance of facilities to maintain the reliability of facilities owned by the state, it is expected that this activity not only strengthens the relationship but also must be utilized to exchange views, contribute thoughts, ideas in facing the demands of technological developments in railway facilities for the advancement of national railways." (DSP)

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