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Following a performance evaluation, BPKARSS set a goal of 4,3 million passenger occupancy.

On 19 January 2024, in the Golden Tulip Hotel Lampung Ballroom, the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) held a Financial/Service Performance Evaluation for FY 2023 and Performance Improvement Efforts for Fiscal Year 2024.

The BPKARSS Supervisory Board attended the activity. Among them are Mediya, a member of the BPKARSS Board, and Joko Murdyono, Chairman of the BPKARSS Supervisory Board. Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Aditya Yunianto, Head of Finance and General Affairs Haris Farizi, Head of BPKARSS Rode Paulus, and Head of Infrastructure Maintenance and Improvement Eben Torsa Tongam.

On this occasion, Rode briefly explained how the BPKARSS performance in fiscal year 2023 was achieved. "Praise God, one of our important achievements is the passenger load factor, which reached 4 million. This was achieved on 27 December 2023. This is a significant increase. 30 percent from the previous year. And all because of cooperation," Rode said.

He explained that several things made the occupancy goal possible. Among them, are educational and edutrip activity programs, strengthening cooperation between related agencies and stakeholders, and the introduction of subscription cards, priority pins, and subscription rates for passengers. In addition, maximizing the role of MSME tenants and creating spaces is also a focus to increase the attractiveness of the LRT.

Interestingly, the busiest days are Saturdays and Sundays, with the number of passengers reaching 20,000 to 30,000 per day. Asrama Haji is the station most frequented by workers, residents, and students, while Ampera Station is popular with merchants and tourists. To support this interest, a feeder/angkot with 51 operational units on 7 different routes has been implemented.

Aditya Yunianto, Head of Facilities Utilization and Infrastructure of BPKARSS, highlighted the important role of creative spaces, reading corners, and MSMEs in increasing ridership. These innovations include musical performances, reading corners, and affordable MSME offerings at various stations. Adit emphasized that his party remains committed to developing innovations and creations to improve LRT services. He also invited related businesses and stakeholders to work together to promote the LRT as a mode of transportation that everyone can be proud of.

Thus, it is expected that the passenger target will be more than 4 million by 2024. BPKARSS received a work order of 4.3 million passengers. "Hopefully, this goal can be achieved. Of course, we will also innovate. And not stop at the efforts that have been made in 2023," said Aditya.


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