• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) conducted technical guidance on filling out E-Kinerja. Located in the Ampera Room on Tuesday 3 October 2023, the state civil apparatus (ASN) was busy filling in the Employee Performance Objectives (SKP). 

BPKARSS Computer Administrator Ahmad Ipandy said, the e-performance work was a follow-up to the technical guidance that had been conducted by BPSDM Directorate General of Railways. "There is a transformation. Where previously it was manual, now it is assisted by applications in working on employee performance targets," he said when opening the guidance. 

All civil apparatus admitted that they needed adaptation for the process. Each employee asked each other about filling in the goals, work result plan menu, and action plan details. "Now it's a top down. So we wait for the superiors to fill in first. Furthermore, it is made by employees," said Ipan. 

In filling out the E-Kinerja, there are indeed fundamental differences compared to the Employee Achievement Assessment Application (AP2KP) which was the previous SKP recording platform. "Namely, there is a correction menu if at any time the appraisal official changes. It can be replaced immediately," he said. 

Therefore, the presence of E-Kinerja can help employees in adding or reducing performance targets that have previously been corrected. 

In addition, E-Kinerja is also assessed with three categories. Namely, below expectations, according to expectations, and exceeding expectations. "There are also features of thumbs up emoticons, love, and so on to assess employee performance," he said. 

Meanwhile, BPKARSS First Expert Public Relations Officer Fajar Anugrah Tumanggor admitted that E-Kinerja can continue to be developed, especially in terms of access and ease of use. "Because it's still new, so it's understandable," he said. 

He has completed SKP in E-Kinerja and is working on monthly action plans that will determine employee performance allowances.

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