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'Berteman' Culture to Suppress the Accident Rate at Railway Crossings

Padang - The Directorate of Safety (Ditkes), Directorate General of Railways (DJKA), and Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) together with the Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Class II Padang conducted a Socialization of the Promotion of Railway Safety Implementation at Level Crossings at Simpang Haru on Wednesday (20/9). This is done to prevent and reduce the number of accidents that are rampant at level crossings.

 The safety socialization activity at level crossings carried out simultaneously in all operational areas and regional divisions in Indonesia is one of the activities in commemoration of the 2023 National Transportation Day (Harhubnas).

 "The Directorate of Safety of DJKA together with BTP Padang continues to socialize the 'Berteman' culture, namely Stop, Look, Right, Left, Safe, and Go at railway level crossings because safety is the responsibility of each of us," explained BTP Padang Head Supandi in his speech.

 According to him, socializing the public to obey the rules at crossings must always be carried out as a reminder and to familiarize the public with good habits so that later it can reduce the accident rate at crossings.

 BTP Padang recorded the total number of accidents that occurred at level crossings in 2021 as many as 31 cases, in 2022 as many as 14 cases, and this year as many as 23 cases. "The safety infrastructure that has been built must be accompanied by education and socialization activities, because accidents at railway crossings do not only occur in terms of safety infrastructure but can also occur due to users. Therefore, educating the public through socialization is very important," he added.

 In addition to echoing the 'Berteman' campaign, this socialization was also carried out to introduce yellow boxes to the public, especially people who pass through the crossing at Simpang Haru. To note, the yellow box itself is a yellow rectangular road marking that functions to prohibit vehicles from stopping in an area. This marking function must take precedence over traffic signal devices that are commands or prohibitions.

 "In West Sumatera, this innovation is very necessary considering that there are still many problems that occur at level crossings, including people who do not obey the rules by not prioritizing train travel, which ultimately results in accidents and a lack of safety facilities at crossings, and there are also many illegal or unregistered crossings," he added.

 By making this yellow box, it is expected to be able to utilize the free space of trains that are not in their designation because trains are not able to do sudden braking in the short term.

 "In preventing accidents at level crossings that still occur frequently this year, several safety innovations continue to be carried out both in terms of infrastructure (engineering) and education. Therefore, every development improvement program must be balanced with an increase in safety," added the District Head.

 In connection with the commemoration of Harhubnas 2023 entitled 'Melaju untuk Transportasi Maju' (Moving Forward for Advanced Transportation), BTP Padang continues to innovate to advance railways in West Sumatra, especially in terms of safety.

 Previously, BTP Padang had closed 261 illegal crossings, made inspection roads, installed rail stakes and ornamental fences, built 27 JPL posts spread across Padang City, Pariaman City and Padang Pariaman Regency, built 30 Early warning System (EWS) at several crossing points, built 4 JPO / M, used Concrete Level Crossing (CLC) and various other safety facilities.

 The district head hopes that with the socialization program that is planned to be routinely carried out, people can comply with the existing rules at level crossings. "Collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including the local government, must also be improved because success in reducing the number of accidents will not be achieved if there is no synergy between agencies," he said.

 On the same occasion, Head of the Transportation Agency Dedy Diantolani expressed his support for this socialization activity for the sake of public safety in West Sumatra. "The Provincial Government (Pemprov) through the Transportation Agency (Dishub) is very supportive and grateful for this safety socialization. This would not run smoothly if done by one party alone. For this reason, various parties must support activities like this," he said.

 Also present at the activity were the Head of Regional Division II of PT KAI West Sumatra, BPTD and the local police.

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