• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The Director General of Railways, Mr. M Risal Wasal, paid a visit to the South Sumatra Light Rail Transit (LRT) Depot in Palembang (14/03). This visit is in order to optimize and reliability of South Sumatra LRT. In his visit this time Mr. Rizal was accompanied by the Director of Railway Infrastructure, Mr. Harno Trimadi, Director of Railway Facilities, Mr. Chess Wicaksono.
The party was joined by Mr. Rode Paulus G.P., the head of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center, and staff when conducting an inspection at the LRT Depot. Mr. M Risal Wasal personally examined all of the infrastructure and amenities on hand at the South Sumatra LRT Depot. Additionally, he performed an in-depth analysis of the South Sumatra LRT station, trains, and other auxiliary services. He said that one of the depots with the most comprehensive repair tools for LRT trains is the South Sumatra LRT Depot.

The South Sumatra LRT is expected to become Palembang City residents' primary means of transportation for everyday commutes. Due to this, BPKARSS, the South Sumatra LRT's manager, must keep providing the locals with the finest service possible. By assuring the LRT Train's dependability, safety, and comfort for its users.

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