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Director of Railway Infrastructure Accompanies Minister of Transportation in Inauguration of Bojonggede Skybridge

Bogor (9/12) - The Director of Railway Infrastructure accompanied the Minister of Transportation to the inauguration of the Bojonggede Skybridge in Bogor on Saturday 9 December 2023. The Minister of Transportation and his entourage departed from Cawang Station to Bojonggede Station and were welcomed by the Mayor of Bogor and the Acting Head of BPTJ.

The Bojonggede Skybridge, also known as the Elevated Crossing Bridge, connects the Bojonggede KRL Station with the Type C Terminal in Bogor Regency. It is 243 meters long and 3 meters wide.

The Minister of Transportation stated, "This bridge makes travel more orderly and comfortable."

The Minister of Transportation stated that the bridge makes it easier for people to access mass transportation, given that KRL users in Bojonggede reach over 70 thousand passengers every day.

"We hope that public interest in using public transportation in Bojonggede and surrounding areas will grow," the Minister said.

The government continues to encourage people to use public transportation through the Ministry of Transportation. This is a step toward resolving traffic and air pollution issues.

"When designing mass transit, we must consider how people can easily use public transportation from their homes to their destinations." "As a result, the integration of modes must be well thought out and at an affordable price," he continued.

At the end of his presentation, the Minister of Transportation urged the public to help maintain the facilities that have been built.

After a celebration, the Minister of Transportation inaugurated the Bojonggede Skybridge, which was marked by pressing the siren button together with the President Director of PT KAI and other officials. (DPP)

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