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DJKA Prepared 10 Thousand Slots of “Free Motorcycles” in Conducting Motis 2023

Jakarta (20/2) - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) will reenact the Motis (Free Motorcycle) program to support the 2023 Lebaran Transportation. This was conveyed by the Director of Railway Traffic and Transportation, Djarot Tri Wardhono in his opportunity as one of the speakers at the Ngobras "Ngobrol Santai Bareng Komunitas" held at the Ministry of Transportation Headquarters, Jakarta on Monday (20/2) afternoon. As DJKA's annual program, Motis 2023 is targeted to serve more than 40 thousand passengers.

 "This year we will prepare as many as 10,440 motorcycle slots that will be sent for free to the homecoming destinations of passengers on the upcoming Lebaran, especially this year we provide a much larger Motis capacity than last year because the current Covid-19 conditions are much more conducive," Djarot said. Djarot also explained that the response and public interest in the Motis program each year show a significant upward trend. "Since its launch in 2013, public interest in organizing Motis by the government is quite high, recorded in 2019 as many as 19 thousand more units of motorcycles have been successfully facilitated for free delivery by DJKA," Djarot added.

 Motis 2023, Homecoming by Train For Only 10 - 20 Thousand Rupiahs

Compared to last year, the capacity of passengers and motorcycle units provided services in this year's Motis is much increased from the realization of 2900 motorcycle units that have been facilitated in Motis 2022, this year DJKA targets as many as 46,720 passengers will be dispatched in this annual program. Motis 2023 will serve three cross-services including North Cross with the route Cilegon - Jakarta Gudang - Semarang Tawang; Central Cross with the route Jakarta Gudang - Purwosari and South Cross with the route Kiaracondong - Purwosari. "With three Motis transportation services this year, it is expected that the community's homecoming trip will be better accommodated, this moment also invites the public to go home safely, comfortably, and safely. Because, looking at the data from the previous Eid period, the accident rate of two-wheeled vehicles during the homecoming period is quite high, so with this Motis program, two-wheeled traffic accidents can be minimized. In addition, to optimize the safety and comfort of Motis implementation this year, DJKA will also integrate Motis transportation with PSO train services where Motis program participants will go home with their motorcycles at very affordable rates, just pay tariffs ranging from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rupiahs, Motis participants can travel to their hometowns," Djarot concluded.

 For information, registration for the 2023 Motis program will begin on March 1 - May 3, 2023, while Motis for homecoming transportation will be held on April 11 - 20 and return transportation will be held on April 25 - May 4, 2023. Also, present as speakers at the Ngobras event were Director General of Railways Risal Wasal, Director of Railway Infrastructure Harno Trimadi, Head of Jakarta Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Rode Paulus, President Director of PT KCI Suryawan Putra Hia, and moderated by Adita Irawati, Dedicated Staff of the Minister of Transportation for Communication and Human Resources. The event was successfully held in a hybrid manner and was successfully attended by more than 50 media representatives and railway passenger communities. (JM)

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