• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) participated in the Investment Exhibition and Business Forum at Palembang Trade Center Mall, which began yesterday, 24 August 2023. The event, titled Sumatra Multi Investment & Trade (SUMMIT) 2023, was initiated by the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office (DPMPTSP) of the South Sumatra Provincial Government in collaboration with institutions. 

The activity, which will last until Saturday (26/8), was opened directly by the Acting Head of DPMPTSP of the South Sumatra Provincial Government, Lusapta Yudha Kurnia. He said that the presence of SUMMIT 2023 could encourage foreign investment and investment in various sectors. "Of course, this encourages the creation of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) which will be directly proportional to improving the welfare of the community," he explained. 

Yudha added that this activity was not only attended by government agencies in the South Sumatra region. There were also those from Lombok, South Kalimantan, and Central Sulawesi. Based on the author's observations at the South Kalimantan booth, for example, the committee brought various clothing items in the form of clothes and hats. They also introduced tourist attractions to the visitors. "I am very excited that there are regions from outside South Sumatra that participated. This indicates that they are also interested in visiting here," he said. 

On the other hand, Acting Assistant II for Economy, Finance, and Development of the South Sumatra Provincial Government, Darma Budhy, who participated in the event, enthusiastically visited the booths. One of the booths he visited was the South Sumatra LRT. He was welcomed by the Head of Finance and General Subdivision of BPKARSS Isyul Bahri. In front of Darma, Isyul explained about the services, operations, and development of the South Sumatra LRT. 

During the event, BPKARSS also provided attractive prizes and souvenirs for visitors who completed missions and competitions from the committee. "There were many who visited. 20s. For the competition, we make it every day. Three lucky people will get a prize," said BPKARSS Public Relations Officer Muhammad Muzakki when we met yesterday. "This is done to increase the interest of visitors to stop by our booth," said the man from Palembang. 


Based on the author's observations in the field, besides BPKARSS, there were at least 14 institutions that participated in the event. DPMPTSP Tanah Laut Regency, Bandar Lampung City Government, Bangka Belitung Provincial Government, South Sumatra Provincial Government, Prabumulih City Government, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency Government, Muara Enim Regency Government, Lahat Regency Government, Bank Sumsel Babel, SKK Migas, Pagar Alam City Government, Palembang City Government, Central Sulawesi Province, and Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency Government.

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