• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

Incidents at Level Crossings Recur, DJKA Took Quick Preventive Measures

The Directorate General of Railways (DGKA) deeply regrets that incidents at level crossings are often repeated. "The management of level crossings is our priority in order to improve the safety of train travel," said Director General of Railways Risal Wasal, responding to a number of successive level crossing accident incidents in several regions, on Tuesday, 25 July 2023.

The efforts made by DJKA to handle level crossings include the following:

  1. Eliminating or Closing the adjacent railway level crossings (less than 800 meters) and/or the width of the road is less than 2 meters;
  2. Installing railroad sterilization fences;
  3. Initiating fly Over / Underpass construction program;
  4. Building collectors/frontage roads along the railway line or alternative roads (Traffic Management);
  5. Initiating procurement program for crossing gates, Early Warning System (EWS), and signage;
  6. Repairing road pavement (Modular Concreate LX/ Synthetic LX);
  7. Developing a level crossing obstacle detection system that performs automatic detection of obstacles at level crossings to prevent train accidents with road vehicles;
  8. Initiating Java and Sumatera Crossing Evaluation Program; and
  9. Socializing, Campaigning and Promotion of safety at crossings.

In an effort to reduce the number of incidents at level crossings, Risal also mentioned that DJKA is currently reviewing the addition of additional safety instruments at level crossings.

"We actively invite the Regional Government and other relevant stakeholders to handle level crossings in their respective working areas in accordance with the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 94 of 2018 concerning Safety Improvement of Level Crossings Between Railways and Roads," Risal said.

Risal further explained that in accordance with the regulation, the handling of level crossings has been delegated to agencies in accordance with the status of the road. "We hope that colleagues in the regions can participate more actively in handling level crossings, because we will certainly not be able to overcome all level crossings without collaborating with the Regional Government of the road owner," concluded Risal. (DA/HJA)

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