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The Head of Heavy Maintenance Section of Railways Maintenance Office becomes a resource for traffic safety at level crossings for students

GROBOGAN — The Head of the Heavy Maintenance Section of the Railways Maintenance Office became a resource person in the Socialization of Level Crossing to students at SMA Negeri 1 Toroh which was held by the Transportation Service of Grobogan Regency, Tuesday (23/03/2021).

As conveyed by the Grobogan Regency Transportation Service, this activity aims to provide lessons for students or the community to participate in improving the safety of railways operations.

The agenda began with remarks from the Head of the Grobogan Transportation Service, Agung Sutanto, S.H., M.H. and the Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Toroh. This was followed by a presentation from the Head of the Heavy Care Section of Railways Maintenance Office Prayitno, S.SiT., M.T. as a resource person.

In his presentation, Prayitno conveyed information to the socialization participants about traffic safety, especially at level railway crossings, including being a pioneer of railway safety.

"Safety Culture Pioneers are expected to understand the regulations in the railway sector and provide an example for the community to comply with applicable laws and regulations, both at level crossings, stations, and on trains," said Prayitno.

Furthermore, his party also emphasized that the public can play an active role in being more responsive and concerned about preventing train accidents, in order to create a safety culture and improve railway safety.

On this occasion also delivered an explanation from the Department of Transportation of Grobogan Regency. It was stated that Grobogan is a district that is crossed by the main route for the operation of the railway, especially the northern route, and is an area that has the most level crossings in Central Java.

"Therefore, there is a need for socialization of safety at level crossings in schools and will form a traffic tourism ambassador," said a team from the Grobogan Regency Transportation Service.

This activity was also attended by cadets from the Indonesian Land Transportation Polytechnic and the Indonesian Railways Polytechnic who were doing Field Work (PKL) at the Railways Maintenance Office.

This socialization agenda to students is also a means for cadets to introduce themselves and convey the profile of the educational institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. (Ar)

Public Relations of Railways Maintenance Office

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