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Ministry of Transportation ensures that the Ied Backflow Traffic in West Sumatra runs smoothly

Padang- On Friday, 28 April 2023, the transportation monitoring center team for Eid, led by Budhi Kurniawan Kresna, Director of Aviation Security Directorate General of Air Transportation Ministry of Transportation, visited the Class II Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Padang for a field review. The BTP Padang team accompanied the visit, which included monitoring activities at the Padang Station as well as the ferry port in Bungus. The purpose of the review was to ensure the smooth flow of transportation during the Eid Backflow Traffic in West Sumatra.

Head of BTP Padang Supandi said that West Sumatra is one of the largest homecoming destinations besides Bali. Therefore, as a regulator, BTP Padang together with operator PT KAI (Persero) Divre II West Sumatra must be able to prepare and provide the best service for travelers in West Sumatra.

"In addition to being one of the most destination areas for Eid travelers, this year West Sumatra also experienced an increase in railroad travelers. We must do extra tasks to provide the best service for travelers," he said.

According to data obtained until H+3 of Eid al-Fitr, there has been a 48% increase in the number of train travelers compared to last year, with 8,186 travelers this year as opposed to 6,026 travelers in 2022.

"This shows that the public is increasingly interested in train transportation. We must be able to keep up with it by providing the best service," he added.

On the same occasion, Budhi Kurniawan Kresna, the Director of Aviation Security, disclosed that monitoring the Eid homecoming flow was directed by the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, to ensure the provision of smooth, safe, and secure services for travelers.

"This monitoring is not only carried out in West Sumatra, but also in all regions that have modes of transportation. All will be monitored," said Budhi when monitoring at Padang Station.

According to him, the implementation of the 2023 Lebaran Transportation Post from regulators and operators has been very good. "I see the conditions here are very crowded with travelers. Even so, the service is quite orderly by paying attention to the comfort and safety of the travelers. Moreover, the train departure here is also without obstacles. The train departs and arrives according to its schedule," continued Budhi.

Budhi hopes that train transportation in West Sumatra can maintain this best service. "At least we can maintain the comfort, cleanliness, and best service that has been provided,".

BTP Padang Public Relations

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