• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

The Yogyakarta-Solo Electric Rail Train Could Be Economically Beneficial

The operation of the Yogyakarta-Solo KRL not only provides increased accessibility and facilitates integration in transportation. However, it will provide added value economically for residents in Yogyakarta, Klaten and Solo. The local government that is passed should really be able to take advantage of the existence of this mode of transportation as an opportunity to improve the economy in their area.

Residents of Yogyakarta, Klaten and Solo will have electric rail services like those in Jabodetabek. February 10, 2021 is one of the historic days for train operations on the Yogyakarta-Solo route, the first time the KRL operates commercially. After some time previously carried out a trial period.

Electric Rail Train (abbreviated KRL) is a rail train that moves with an electric motor propulsion system. In Indonesia, electric rail trains operate in the Greater Jakarta area, and are trains that serve commuters (penglajo). Currently, it is capable of carrying 1.2 million passengers per day. However, during the pandemic, there is a reduction in transport capacity.

In the Dutch East Indies era, electric trains were first used to connect Batavia with Jatinegara or Meester Cornelis in 1925. At that time, 2 electric trains were used, which could be connected to 4 trains, which were made by Werkspoor and Heemaf Hengelo.

Previously, the Kutoarjo-Yogyakarta-Solo route was served by the Prameks Train. The Yogyakarta-Surakarta route stops at 6 stations, namely Kutoarjo Station, Tugu Station, Lempuyangan Station, Maguwo Station, Klaten Station, Purwosari Station and Solo Balapan Station.

After the service, the Yogya-Solo KRL will stop at 11 electrification stations, namely Yogyakarta, Lempuyangan, Maguwo, Brambanan, Srowot, Klaten, Ceper, Delanggu, Gawok, Purwosari, Solo Balapan. There are an additional 6 stations to stop by. Furthermore, Prameks train only serves the Kutoarjo-Yogyakarta route.

For the smooth operation of the Yogya Solo KRL, five PLN resources and eight electrical substations are needed. Meanwhile, in preparation for the Yogyakarta-Solo electrification operation, there are a number of level crossings that have WCM (Wire Caution Marker) signs or overhead electricity marking signs, 108 WCM installed.

Electrification across Yogyakarta-Solo will cost Rp 1.2 trillion over two budget years. An average of Rp 50 billion per km. The construction process of the Yogyakarta – Solo KRL began in 2011 with a Feasibility Study of the Cross-Kutoarjo–Yogyakarta–Solo Electrification Development carried out. Furthermore, in 2012 Detail Engineering Design was carried out. In 2019 construction work began on the Electrification Development of the Yogyakarta Tugu Station – Klaten Station. Next in 2020, the operation of the electrification of the Yogyakarta Tugu Station - Klaten Station segment and the construction of the Klaten Station - Solo Balapan Station segment. In 2021, the electrification operation of the Cross Yogyakarta – Solo Balapan will begin.

During the construction period, of course, there were a number of challenges, such as the large number of electric cable networks running along the railway line, the control of land at the intersection at Klaten Station, changes to the track layout design of the Solo Balapan Station emplacement, procurement of imported materials was delayed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The hope with the operation of this KRL is to improve rail passenger transportation services, improve rail traffic safety, improve accessibility and mobility services between modes as well as the safety and comfort of service users, better operating performance, free of air and noise pollution, passenger capacity can be more many. Besides that, it can also increase the number of domestic and foreign tourists to enjoy the tourism potential around Yogyakarta, Klaten and Solo.

Surakarta – Yogyakarta which can be reached in 1 hour 50 minutes by land. With KRL Yogya Solo (60 kilometers), it will take 1 hour 8 minutes (68 minutes). This means that traveling with KRL Yogya Solo will save about 34 minutes.

Klaten residents will have more opportunities to enjoy this commuter train service. The reason is that six small stations that have been passed by Prameks Train are now reactivated to serve passengers who will use KRL. The six stations are accessed by the rural transportation network.

Unfortunately, now rural transportation in Klaten is suspended and even difficult to get back up without any help from the government. In fact, Kab. Klaten is in dire need of rural transportation services. Especially with the existence of KRL and the opening of 6 stations in Klaten Regency.

Rural transport entrepreneurs in Klaten are not interested. For this reason, the government needs to think about a service purchase scheme or buy the service for rural public transportation, as has been happening for urban public transportation.


According to information from the Klaten Regency Transportation Service, about 200 registered fleets are operating. However, those operating every day are less than 10-120 percent compared to 10 years ago. The population of Klaten Regency has now reached around Rp. 1.5 million.


Rural and culinary tourism in Klaten Regency has been developing quite rapidly lately, such as Cokro Springs Tourism, Pongok Umbul, Cokro Umbul Ingas. Also rural cuisine, such as Pak Suli's Sate Kambing, Pak Tohir's Fried Duck, Bale Tirto Resto, Sawah Coffee Cafe, Prambanan Coffee Wedang, Rowo Jombor Floating Stall, Omah Eyang Resto.



Initially, before the Purwosari flyover was built, there was already a Batik Solo Trans (BST) bus stop integrated with Purwosari Station. Now, BTS has operated with a buy the service scheme, the function of the BST stop integrated with Purwosari Station can be activated (medium bus and large bus).


Physical integration is not just providing a bus stop outside the station yard, but if it is possible to have a large enough area for public buses to enter, there is nothing wrong with that. Bringing public transportation passengers to change modes.


On the other hand, services in Surakarta still allow for additional stations, namely Manahan Station which is close to the center of Surakarta (near the Manahan fly over).


vital Records

The Yogyakarta-Solo KRL has inspired the development of similar urban trains in other urban areas, such as Urban Surabaya (Surabaya-Lamongan, Surabaya-Sidoarjo and Surabaya-Mojokerto), Bandung Urban (Padalarang-Bandung-Rancaekek), Urban Semarang (Gubug-Semarang- Weleri). The Yogya-Solo KRL service can be extended to Kutoarjo, Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA), Adi Sumarmo International Airport and Sragen. The Yogya-Solo KRL service can be integrated with the Trans Yogya Bus and the Solo Trans Batik Bus (BST).


Integration is not only physical, but also schedule integration, payment system (single trip ticket) and services. The city of Klaten must also be supported by public transportation (currently not available). Connectivity or physical connectivity in the form of a connecting bridge between Terminal Ir. Soekarno and Klaten Station can be done as well as the connecting bridge between Tirtonadi Terminal and Solo Balapan Station in Surakarta.


Integration is not only with motorized vehicles, but also with non-motorized vehicles, such as cyclists and pedestrians. Improvement of facilities for cyclists and pedestrians in Yogyakarta, Klaten and Surakarta.


Provision of bicycle parking facilities at each station and bicycles are allowed to be brought into the Yogya – Solo KRL. Of course, in a limited number for each train unit.


Furthermore, it is necessary for residents to think about from the origin of departure to the destination of using public transportation. You can change modes of public transportation and you can subscribe to get a cheaper rate than usual. Subscription rates per week or per month


Djoko Setijowarno, Akademisi Prodi Teknik Sipil Unika Soegijapranata dan Ketua Bidang Advokasi dan Kemasyarakatan MTI Pusat


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