• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


Malang,(06/28). Safety at railway crossings is the center of attention, especially for passing motorists. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware and knowledge about driving safety when at railway crossings. On this basis, a Railway Safety Socialization activity was carried out with the theme "Traffic Procedures at the Railway Crossing" which was carried out in Malang City, East Java.

The socialization, which was held on June 28, was the initiation of the East Java Provincial Transportation Office with the East Java Regional Railway Engineering Center, PT KAI Daop 8 Surabaya, and the Malang Police.

"This activity intends to convey to the Head of RT/RW in the Malang region and instill the importance of prioritizing safety at the crossing of a plot for all road users," said Head of the East Java Regional Railway Engineering Center Mohamad Zulkarnain.
Zulkarnain added that the government is still trying to reduce accidents by closing train crossings and building roads with other alternatives such as flyovers or the creation of underpass roads.

In the socialization, many responses were conveyed by the community around the railway crossing, especially on road access that connects with other roads. Residents assessed that some illegal crossings could boost their access to another area. In addition, the planned closure of the crossing can stop the livelihoods of residents around the crossing, especially non-governmental organizations that have maintained the railway crossing.

But behind this, the public actually strongly agrees with the handling of safety at railway crossings in order to reduce the number of accidents and hopes that the government can facilitate crossing guards with vests/sirens/basic knowledge of officers.

For people who pass by, let's together stay vigilant and careful and still comply with the regulations that have been implemented. Keeping safety is not later, because death can come at this time. May we always be given safety and health. Safe Trip, Back Home (hms/btpjtm)


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