• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

DJKA Is Dedicated to Enhancing Train Travel Safety Through the Evaluation of Railway Incidents

Jakarta (15/01) - Risal Wasal, the Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation, said that his team is still investigating the increasing number of train incidents that have been occurring recently. "We, together with related parties, are trying to explore the incidents that occurred so that it is hoped that solutions can be formulated so that similar incidents do not recur," he stated on Monday (15/01/) in Jakarta.

As is generally known, on Sunday, January 14, there was a train crash incident at Tanggulangin Station and three different level crossing occurrences at Klaten, Banyuwangi, and Tebingtinggi. Meanwhile, on Friday, 1 May 2024, in Cicalengka, there was a collision involving the Turangga train and the Bandung Raya Local train.

In response to these incidents, Risal disclosed that DJKA is still constructing double tracks and upgrading railway lines to increase train travel's security, comfort, and safety. The Cirebon - Purwokerto - Yogya - Solo - Madiun - Wonokromo Segment (completed in 2020), the Bogor - Sukabumi Segment (progress reached 97,14%), and the Kiaracondong - Cicalengka Segment (Phase I completed in 2022, Phase II progress reached 76,08%) are among the double track construction projects undertaken by DJKA.

Meanwhile, to mitigate the occurrence of collapses, DJKA has targeted to carry out 18 railway infrastructure improvement activities, including increasing track capacity, as well as supporting operating facilities, by 2024. In this case, the DJKA's target is that by 2024, 94% of all railway lines in Indonesia will be by Track Quality Index (TQI) Category 1 and 2 standards.

"If our railways have reached TQI Category 2 quality standards, then trains can travel at speeds of 80 to 100 km/h, while with TQI Category 2 quality standards, trains can travel at speeds of 100 to 120 km/h safely and securely," Risal stated.

On the other hand, Risal said that DJKA also continues to encourage the handling of level crossings by involving the Ministry of PUPR, the Regional Government, and related stakeholders. The involvement of the Regional Government in handling this level crossing is in accordance with the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 94 of 2018 concerning Safety Improvement of Level Crossings Between Railways and Roads.

Additionally, Risal stated that DJKA has also pursued the handling of level crossings through the construction of flyovers or underpasses, the installation of railway sterilization fences, the construction of collector roads or frontage roads along the railway line, or alternative roads (traffic management). Additionally, the company has closed or eliminated nearby railway level crossings (less than 800 meters) and/or those with a road width of less than 2 meters.

A level crossing obstacle detection system that performs automatic obstacle detection at level crossings to prevent train accidents with road vehicles; evaluation programs for Java and Sumatra crossings; socialization, campaigns, and safety promotions at crossings; pavement repair (modular concreate LX / synthetic LX); and crossing door procurement and installation are further initiatives.

"We hope that KAI as the operator will also take part in improving the safety and service aspects so that there will be no more similar incidents," Risal stated.

To avoid such incidents, however, the public is urged to heed traffic signs, give way to train travel, and refrain from crossing the crossing bar in compliance with Law No. 23/2007 on Railways. "We hope for active participation from the community to be careful at level crossings in order to maintain mutual security and safety," Risal conclude


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