• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The Lebaran transportation coordination post in 2023 which has been conducted for 19 days starting from 14 April - 2 May 2023 was running smoothly, safely and under control. The number of South Sumatra LRT passengers during this year's post period reached 281.987 people. The spike in the number of passengers occurred on Monday, 24 April 2023, which reached 28.417 people.

During this period of coordination, the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center provided a variety of special services to facilitate the journey of passengers who will travel back and forth to their hometowns. One of the services provided is the provision of train departure schedules on a more frequent basis than usual. During the Lebaran 2023 post, increasing the number of journeys for two days, specifically 24-25 April 2023, from 94 to 102.

During these vacations, the community might use the South Sumatra LRT as a tourism medium with family. Furthermore, the proximity of various stations to tourist destinations and shopping complexes makes South Sumatra LRT the preferred form of transportation. Palembang City has five stations that are adjacent to tourist sites and shopping complexes. DJKA Station is near OPI Mall, Jakabaring Station is near Gelora Sriwijaya Jakabaring Stadium, Ampera Station is near the tourist attraction Ampera Bridge, Benteng Koto Besak, and Pasar 16, Bumi Sriwijaya Station is near Palembang Icon Mall and Palembang Square, and Airport Station is near Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport Palembang.

The implementation of the Eid post is to ensure that services to customers are carried out well even though the number of passengers has increased from the usual day. Currently, South Sumatra LRT continues to improve its services. Supporting facilities continue to be improved. this is to make South Sumatra LRT the main mode of transportation for the people of Palembang City in carrying out activities outside the home.

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