• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


During the 2023 Eid transportation period, the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) has assigned dedicated employees to coordinate the implementation of Lebaran transportation at the South Sumatra LRT stations. This year, the 2023 Integrated Lebaran Transportation Post will begin on H-8 (April 14, 2023) and continue until H+9 (May 2, 2023), covering a total of 19 days. The presence of post officers during this period is expected to enhance the services provided by the South Sumatra LRT.

During the Eid holiday, the number of LRT users will increase. The surge in the number of South Sumatra LRT passengers has occurred on Sunday (23/4). LRT passengers reached 19,483 people, up to 22% from last year. Until yesterday, the number of passengers during the Lebaran 2023 transportation post period had reached 182,684 people. During the post, officers will conduct monitoring and surveillance at stations, trains and LRT feeders.

Currently, South Sumatra LRT has been integrated with various modes of transportation such as bus and feeder friends. Feeder transportation currently has seven travel routes, namely corridor 1 (Talang Kelapa - Talang Buruk) and corridor 2 (Asrama Haji - Sematang Borang) Corridor 3 (Asrama Haji - Talang Betutu), Corridor 4 (Polrestabes Station - OPI Housing), Corridor 5 (DJKA Station - Tegal Binangun), Corridor 6 (RSUD-Sukawinatan Station), and Corridor 7 (Bukit - Cambodia Stadium via Sriwijaya Station).

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