• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The Badminton SuperCup 2023 event organized by the Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD) Class II South Sumatra (South Sumatra) has ended. Symbolically, the activity was closed by the head of the office Denny Michel Adlan at Alang Alang Lebar Terminal yesterday, 16 August 2023. There were 6 champions from two categories who attended the prize giving. Namely, three champions from the men's double matches. The other three from the women's double. 

For the women's double matches, the winners were Angkasa Pura II as the first winner, Palembang City Transportation Agency as the second winner, and the third place was taken by the River Basin Center (BBWS) of the Ministry of PUPR. 

Meanwhile, the first winner of the men's doubles was Dishub Kota Palembang. The second place was taken by the River Basin Center (BBWS) of the Ministry of PUPR. And the third place was won by the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS)/South Sumatra LRT.

LRT Sumsel won third place after defeating representatives from the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic (Poltekbang). "We beat them in two straight sets. 21-14, and 21-9," said Dwi, one of the participants. He said, the opponent was quite tough to return some punches. "However, together with my partner Fajar, we played with confidence," he said. 

Dwi said he was quite happy to be able to participate in the activity. According to him, badminton competitions can build employee friendship across institutions. 


On the other hand, Head of BPKARSS Rode Paulus said the achievement needs to be continuously improved. This does not only apply to sports, but also to other essential sectors. Such as literacy and staffing competitions. If it can be achieved, it will certainly raise the image of the agency and add credit for employees in achievement. 


Rode accompanied the badminton participants from the beginning to the last match. Occasionally, he also gave instructions to players to be enthusiastic and support each other in every match. "Losing is normal. The important thing is that we must uphold sportsmanship," he said.

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