• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


On this year's Eid holiday, specifically on April 24 and 25, 2023, the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center has announced an increase in the number of train trips. The original 94 trips will be augmented to 102 trips during this holiday period. Despite the increase in train frequency, the operating hours of the South Sumatra LRT will remain the same as before, from 05.05 WIB to 20.43 WIB.

"The number of Lebaran transportation passengers in 2023 has shown a significant increase compared to 2022. In our preparations this year, we carefully analyzed the trends from the previous year to ensure that we can provide even better services. The current figures indicate a remarkable surge in passenger numbers, particularly on H-6. In 2022, we had 6,861 passengers on H-6, whereas in 2023, the number has reached 12,471 passengers," stated Rode Paulus GPSSiT, MT, the Head of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center.

Rode further added that on Lebaran day, April 22, 2023, the number of passengers using the South Sumatra LRT was relatively consistent with the previous year. However, on April 23, 2023, there was a substantial increase in passenger numbers. The total count reached 19,483 passengers, compared to 15,940 passengers in 2022.

"If we reflect on 2022, we observed that on H+2 Eid, the number of passengers reached 25,890, and on H+3 Eid, it further increased to 28,800. Based on this analysis, we predict a substantial surge in passengers on H+2 and H+3 Eid this year as well. To address this expected increase, we have added 7 trainsets to our operations. The addition of these trains aims to reduce waiting times and provide a greater sense of comfort for South Sumatra LRT passengers," Rode stated.

Regarding transportation figures, the number of South Sumatra LRT passengers has continued to increase steadily. As of April 23, 2023, the total number of passengers who have utilized the South Sumatra LRT has exceeded 1 million. On average, there are approximately 9,500 passengers using the LRT daily. This remarkable figure highlights the fact that the South Sumatra LRT has become the preferred mode of mobility for the people in South Sumatra.

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