• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) strictly does not tolerate any form of indecent act on the South Sumatra LRT service. As the transportation of choice for the people of Palembang City, South Sumatra LRT will continue to maintain the safety and comfort of its passengers.  Head of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center, Rode Paulus said, we have committed to continue to provide friendly and comfortable transportation services for the elderly, people with disabilities, children, and women.

Regarding the arrest incident carried out by the Train Escort Officer (Walka) against the South Sumatra LRT passenger who committed immoral acts on 9 July 2023 the South Sumatra LRT has handed over the perpetrator to the Palembang Police.

"BPKARSS as the South Sumatra LRT Manager, will never provide space for perpetrators of sexual harassment in the South Sumatra LRT service," said Rode.

Rode said that this perpetrator has been monitored since 7 July 2023, the perpetrator at around 19.00 WIB was seen committing immorality on the P.84 train traveling from the Airport LRT Station to the Djka LRT Station. On the way, the perpetrator showed suspicious gestures and released his genitals to LRT passengers, then ran out at Cinde station.

Then on Sunday, July 9 2023 the passenger returned to board LRT KA P81 from Dishub Station to Asrama Haji Station. Walka officers supervised the perpetrator because it was indicated that he would carry out similar activities. Then the Walka officer coordinated with the Asrama Haji Station Officer to take action to arrest the perpetrator. He added

" Related to this incident, we apologize to South Sumatra LRT passengers for the inconvenience caused. We also invite South Sumatra LRT users who feel or experience acts of sexual harassment in South Sumatra LRT services to not hesitate in immediately reporting to officers at the station or on the train," he concluded.

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